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Appreciated Clock 2 days 5 hours ago Thank you for a great product!

By: Clock Edit

Relating Relating Edit Created: 3 hours ago Updated: 3 hours ago

Certified Edit

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Public conversations
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Related my/others' listings
Relating my/others' Oi's
Relating my/others's listings
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Oi ?
Own Oi's
Listing ?
Own listings
Appreciated/disapproved Oi's
Appreciated/disapproved listings
Appreciated/disapproved people
Edit content pages
Create Dedicated Oithis
My Funds
You can appreciate Oi, listing, or another person by making a small contribution, which goes to Oi owner/administrator, listing owner, or another person respectfully. The more the contribution, the more is your appreciation.

Requiring a small contribution rewards another person, and makes your action meaningful.

Appreciating Oi's, listings, or other people increases your own reputation. The more often you appreciate, the higher will be your reputation.

of full appreciation amount (money only, not credit) goes to Oithis as a small appreciation of Oithis application.

You can disapprove Oi, listing, or person by making a small contribution. The more the contribution, the more you disapprove.

Oi owner/administrator, listing owner, or person being disapproved is also assessed a disapproval fee in the amount of of your disapproval contribution.

Requiring a small contribution makes your action meaningful. Assessing disapproval fee makes the action of disapproval to carry weight, and is likely to be taken seriously by a person being disapproved. Disapproval contributions and fees go into apreciation fund.

Disapproving someone does not affect your reputation. However, excessive number of disapprovals may reduce your reputaion over time.

Appreciation fund is used to match appreciation contributions. Whatever amount someone contributes when appreciating someone else, an additional amount is added to such contribution if the funds are available. Such additional amount equals to of the original contribution.

Appreciation fund derives its monies from disapproval contributions and fees. Its current balances are as follows:
Money balance: , Credit balance: .

Use +/- controls to adjust amount of your contribution. While using the same control repeatedly, changing direction within a few seconds allows to adjust the value of contribution by a smaller amount. Pause for a few seconds in order to restore larger adjustments.

Money balance can be zero, positive, or negative. Negative value means that you owe money, while positive value means that you have funds, which could be used to pay Oithis fees, or to appreciate/disapprove Oi's, listings, and other people.

Credit balance can be zero or positive. Positive value means that you have credit, which can be used to pay Oithis fees, or to appreciate/disapprove Oi's, listings, and other people.
My money balance: My credit balance:
Optional comments
A few nice words could make another person's day. However, keep in mind that anyone may view your comments.
Choose your words carefully. Anyone may view your comments. Being brief, to the point, and polite is more likely to have an impact.
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Appreciated Clock 2 days 5 hours ago Thank you for a great product!

By: Clock Edit

Relating Relating Edit Created: 3 hours ago Updated: 3 hours ago

Certified Edit

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Related my/others' listings
Relating my/others' Oi's
Relating my/others's listings
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Oi ?
Own Oi's
Listing ?
Own listings
Appreciated/disapproved Oi's
Appreciated/disapproved listings
Appreciated/disapproved people
Edit content pages
Create Dedicated Oithis
My Funds
You can appreciate Oi, listing, or another person by making a small contribution, which goes to Oi owner/administrator, listing owner, or another person respectfully. The more the contribution, the more is your appreciation.

Requiring a small contribution rewards another person, and makes your action meaningful.

Appreciating Oi's, listings, or other people increases your own reputation. The more often you appreciate, the higher will be your reputation.

of full appreciation amount (money only, not credit) goes to Oithis as a small appreciation of Oithis application.

You can disapprove Oi, listing, or person by making a small contribution. The more the contribution, the more you disapprove.

Oi owner/administrator, listing owner, or person being disapproved is also assessed a disapproval fee in the amount of of your disapproval contribution.

Requiring a small contribution makes your action meaningful. Assessing disapproval fee makes the action of disapproval to carry weight, and is likely to be taken seriously by a person being disapproved. Disapproval contributions and fees go into apreciation fund.

Disapproving someone does not affect your reputation. However, excessive number of disapprovals may reduce your reputaion over time.

Appreciation fund is used to match appreciation contributions. Whatever amount someone contributes when appreciating someone else, an additional amount is added to such contribution if the funds are available. Such additional amount equals to of the original contribution.

Appreciation fund derives its monies from disapproval contributions and fees. Its current balances are as follows:
Money balance: , Credit balance: .

Use +/- controls to adjust amount of your contribution. While using the same control repeatedly, changing direction within a few seconds allows to adjust the value of contribution by a smaller amount. Pause for a few seconds in order to restore larger adjustments.

Money balance can be zero, positive, or negative. Negative value means that you owe money, while positive value means that you have funds, which could be used to pay Oithis fees, or to appreciate/disapprove Oi's, listings, and other people.

Credit balance can be zero or positive. Positive value means that you have credit, which can be used to pay Oithis fees, or to appreciate/disapprove Oi's, listings, and other people.
My money balance: My credit balance:
Optional comments
A few nice words could make another person's day. However, keep in mind that anyone may view your comments.
Choose your words carefully. Anyone may view your comments. Being brief, to the point, and polite is more likely to have an impact.
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Appreciate with $0.01 of my money
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Searchable Unsearchable Help
Searchable Oi website, searchable Listing, searchable Person, or shared watch can be discovered when someone chooses to Find Ois, Find Listings, Find People, or find out what others are watching for respectfully.

Public Oi's are always searchable.

If an item is unsearchable or not shared, then it cannot be discovered this way.

You will be able to change searchable or shareable status at any time.

A Person may elect unsearchable status in order to protect person's privacy. Unsearchable status may also be elected for a Private Oi, a Listing, or a Person when such item is meant to be descovered through association with another item - as related Oi, related Listing, or Interested Person respectfully.

A searchable Oi website, Listing, or Person must be assigned its respective audience. A watch is always assigned its audience.

For an Oi or a Listing, such audience should be interpreted as Intended Audience. For a person, such audience should be interpreted as Audience a Person belongs to. A watch is continuously looking for new items whose audiences are similar to the watch audience.

Geographic area certification. We periodically capture location of your device (if you allow) or location of your device's IP address, and compare it against geographic area in the audience of your searchable Oi website, listing, or yourself, or a shared watch. If we establish close proximity between the two at somewhat recent point in time, then Certified icon will be shown in front of the geographic area when displaying the item to others. Such indication certifies that the owner of an item has been around specified geographic area, and is not someone located thousands of miles away. Note that absence of such certification cannot be relied upon to draw the opposite conclusion. For instance, device's location detection could be disabled, or IP address location could be inaccurate. If you are uncomfortable with such certification of your items, choose unsearchable option for your items, not sharing your watches, and do not create Public Oi's as they are always searchable.
Relating Oi's/listings
Allowed Not allowed Help
You may allow other people to associate (relate) their Oi's/listings with your Oi or your listing. Someone who is viewing your Oi or your listing may click/tap on the respective count under Oi or Listing symbols located in the upper right corner of an item, and view such related Oi's or related listings respectfully.

You can always remove an objectionable, inappropriate, or misplaced related Oi/listing.

Related Oi's and listings allow others to promote their ideas, products, services, needs, or provide helpful information. Presence of related Oi's and listings enriches experience of people who view your Oi's and listings.

Being a Public Oi administrator or an owner of a Private Oi/Listing, you are always allowed to associate your own Oi's and listings.
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Space usage monthly fee is AV$OBJECT_SPACE_USAGE_MONTHLY_FEE per MB of space used on average during a month.

Bandwidth usage monthly fee is AV$OBJECT_BANDWIDTH_USAGE_MONTHLY_FEE per MB of bandwidth used during a month while content was viewed by you and others.

Maximum upload file sizes are the following:
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This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads. This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads. This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads. This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads. This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads. This is PNG file which we use in order to test file downloads.
Play 0:00 / 0:25
Nice and easy music for your listening preasure
I wrote this when I was walking along the sea shore, enjoying the peace and quiet of the ocean, sky, and the Sun. Waves making soothing sounds, seagals screaming around me - just pleasure to be there.
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Indicate what you are looking for - Oi's, Listings, or People. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Public Private BOTH Help
An Oi can be Public or Private. The only difference is who controls an Oi.

Public Oi is controlled by the public. Public Oi Administrator is in immediate control of many aspects of Public Oi. However, he or she may be challenged by anyone, and may lose this administrative position if voting results are unfavorable.

Public OI cannot be deleted by its Oi Administrator, but can rather be abandoned. Anyone can claim an abandoned Public Oi, and become its Administrator.

Private Oi is controlled by a private party - private Oi owner, who cannot be challenged by anyone, and who controls most aspects of a Private Oi. However, private Oi fees are higher. Private Oi can be deleted by its owner at any time, and no one else can claim it.

Public and Private Oi's form two parallel universes. For example, there could be a Public Oi with exactly the same name and audience as a Private Oi.

Such separation of roles prevents any private party from seizing control of public information. At the same time, a private party has the freedom and the ability to promote its point of view through the use of Private Oi's.

Public and Private Oi's complement each other, and enrich informational landscape. They are clearly identfied to avoid any confusion.
ANY For Sale Wanted Offer
Buy Trade Inform Alert Help
Listing intent indicates the purpose of a listing. Select ANY to indicate any intent.

For Sale - something is for sale. E.g. a car for sale, a camera for sale.

Wanted - is looking for something. E.g. looking to hire someone, looking for a used piano.

Offer - is offering something. E.g. offering to carpool, offering gardening services.

Buy - wants to buy something. E.g. wants to buy a used boat, wants to buy a used car.

Trade - wants to trade one thing for another. E.g. wants to trade a boat for a car.

Inform - wants to inform others about something. E.g. a wedding announcement, a yard sale.

Alert - wants to alert the public about something important. E.g. a power outage, a flooded street, a criminal on the loose.
Targeting Help
Reputation Popular Trending
Audience Size Random
You may choose order of displayed items.

Reputation - items with higher reputation are shown first.

Popular (note yet implemented) - more popular items are shown first.

Trending (note yet implemented) - trending items are shown first.

New - newer items are shown first. In case of updates, items with newer status updates are shown first. If viewing Recycle Bin, most recently deleted items are shown first. In case of appreciated or disapproved items, most recently appreciated or disapproved items are shown first.

Audience Size - items with smaller audience size are shown first. Such items may be more useful, and may be closer to you.

Random - items are shown in random order. This option lets you discover new things and new people. This option is only available when looking for Oi's, Listings, or People.

A-Z - items are shown in alphabetical order from A to Z. Click/tap again to show items in reverse order from Z to A. This option is only available when viewing items you saved, or your own items.
Browse All
You may indicate to only show items with certain words in their names. To achieve that, enter complete or partial words. You may end a word with a period in order to indicate that such word is fully spelled. This will prevent showing items where such word has partial match only.

Make sure to separate words with a space when using Japanese, Chinese, or other languages which are comprised of symbols. This will ensure that matching item can be found by individual words.

Use 'Browse All' button to browse all items regardless of search words.

As you type, we will show you matching items. If some of the matching items do not fit on your screen, we will hint you with the names of those items.

While viewing the hints, click/tap on 'Enter', 'Done', or 'Go' (depending on your device) in order to remove the hints, and view matching items. You may also click/tap on a specific hint in order to view respective item.
Provide clear and descriptive name. Consider which words other people will be using when looking for your newly created item. Try to avoid excessively long names unless absolutely necessary.

Make sure to separate words with a space when using Japanese, Chinese, or other languages which are comprised of symbols. This will ensure that your item can be found by individual words.

You will be able to change this name later at any time.
Provide bare minimum of full or partial words which should match names of newly created items. As a result, you are more likely to capture all items of interest.

For example, word car would match names used cars; classic car.

You will be able to change these words later at any time.
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Oithis Oithis Oithis
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How Oithis benefits you - how to start
Create Oi website
Find Oi websites
What is Oi website?
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Myself - all about me
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What is reputation?
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Oithis Tutorial and Examples
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After you view individual notification and no longer need it, you may click/tap onDismiss in order to dismiss it.

Once you dismiss the last notification, the notification panel closes.

If there are more pending notifications, simply click/tap on notification count shown inside the red flag in order to view other pending notifications.

If there are more than $MAX_NUM_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_SHOW pending notifications, the only way to vew other notifications is to dismiss the most recent ones.
Path to current oithis

Path to current oithis: always starts from $ROOT_OIN_NAME, and shows every oithis entered by user and in that exact order.

What is oithis: Term 'oithis' refers to oasis of information. For example, when you come to the website, you are entering $GLOBAL_OIN_NAME by default. It is a place where useful information is created, maintained, and shared by the people. However, its settings and behavior are controlled by Oithis, the company.

Your own website: You may think of different oithis as if they were different websites utilizing the same software. The look and feel is very similar. However, they are controlled by their respective owners/administrators.

What if: What if a company, an organization, or any group of people wants to have their own oithis, so they get to decide who may enter such oithis, and what the settings and behavior should be?

Dedicated oithis: Any Oi, listing, or person may host its respective dedicated oithis. It is created by Oi owner/administrator, by listing owner, or by person himself/herself respectfully. While viewing such Oi, listing, or person, any user may attempt to enter its respective dedicated oithis if there is one.

Secure oithis: A company, organization, or person may have their own respective designated range of public IP addresses on the Internet. Such company, organization, or person may create their own respective secure oithis, which may only be entered from a computer/device whose public IP address falls within the range mentioned above. For example, only from the company's internal network.

Nested oithis: While being inside dedicated oithis or secure oithis, any Oi, listing, or person may, in turn, host its own respective dedicated oithis, and so on, and so forth.

For example: A large company may have its own secure oithis, while each department may have its own dedicated oithis within such secure oithis. Dedicated oithis of each department may, in turn, have multiple dedicated oithis for large projects handled by each department.

Access security: The only way to access nested oithis is to enter it via its parent oithis first. Thus, adhering to parent oithis security requirements. In the example above, it would be impossible to enter dedicated oithis of a company's department directly. User has to enter company's secure oithis first. Only then, user would be able to enter dedicated oithis for specific department.

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Your current IP address must fall into selected IP address range. This ensures your ability to access secure oithis.

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this IP address range belongs to:
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Input error shown here.
This is the result of whatever action we performed. It is displayed in this box. Bla bla bla.

How Oithis benefits you, and how to start.

Imagine that... You want to create a simple website or a web page in order to express your passion, promote your point of view, present a school project, offer a product/service, or connect with like-minded people.

It could be as simple as a one sentence summary; or as elaborate as multiple pages with text, images, and videos; or anything in between.

Imagine if you could give your website or web page a meaningful name in plain English.

Imagine if your website or web page would automatically be included in search results, and presented to others without any ads.

Imagine if you could do that in a matter of minutes, or even seconds.

All of the above is now possible with Oithis application.

By creating Oi (pronounced: O-I, and stands for Object of Interest), you are effectively creating a simple website.

You can give your Oi a meaningful name in plain English.

But more importantly, your Oi can be found by anyone using words from your Oi name, even partially spelled, and in any order.

All of the above is accomplished at the tiny fraction of time and effort you would need for a traditional website.

Content creation is straightforward and intuitive. It requires no tools or specialized knowledge. It is so simple that a child could do it for you.

How to start?

  • Register.
  • Log in.
  • Create Oi.
  • Activate Oi. Now, it can be found by others.
  • Add Oi Main Image if you want. Now, Oi has a picture.
  • Create Oi Main Page, or a one sentence summary. Now, Oi has content.

There is much more to it. But you have to start first.

Oithis Informational Network

Oi's, Listings, and People have intertwined relationships.

Every Oi and Listing may have:

  • Related Oi’s.
  • Related Listings.
  • Interested People.
  • People who appreciated such Oi/Listing.
  • People who disapproved such Oi/Listing.

Every Person may have:

  • Interesting Oi’s.
  • Interesting listings.
  • Interesting people.
  • Own Oi’s.
  • Own Listings.
  • Interested People.
  • Other People who appreciated this person.
  • Other People who disapproved this person.

Such relationships form an informational network which could be explored by users.

For example:

  • User discovers an Oi of interest via a search.
  • Then, user views related listings.
  • Then, user views a person who created one of related listings.
  • Then, user views Oi’s such person finds interesting.
  • Then, user views those people who appreciated one the Oi's.
  • And so on, and so forth.

Oithis Tutorial and Examples

Easy to read, step by step guide is available in PDF document: oithis_tutorial.pdf

Easy to read, step by step guide, as well as Oi examples can be viewed online as follows:

  • Oi → Find Oi's
  • To find tutorial, type "oithis tutorial", or even "oi tut" into the search field.
  • To find Oi examples, type "oi example", or even "oi ex" into the search field.
  • Matching Oi's will be displayed instantly. No need to use 'Enter', 'Go', or 'Done' keys.
Tutorials devoted to Listings can be found online as follows:
  • Li → Find Listings
  • Type "oithis tutorial", or even "oi tut" into the search field.
  • Matching listings with tutorials will be displayed instantly. No need to use 'Enter', 'Go', or 'Done' keys.

What is Oi website?

Oi website or simply Oi (Object of Interest; pronounced O-I) is an atomic unit of intelligent information. Whether we realize it or not, our minds perceive what we see, hear, or already know - in terms of Oi's. Our thinking process is a constant flow which takes us from one Oi to another, and so on, and so forth. It is only natural to organize human knowledge and information, in all its dynamic form and variety - through the use of Oi's.

Every searchable Oi is assigned its intended audience. A non-searchable Oi can only be discovered if it is related to another Oi, listing, or person.

Your thoughts and feelings matter. If you feel they deserve to be expressed through creation of an Oi, so be it.

When you create Public Oi, you become Oi Administrator, and are able to control many aspects of such Oi. However, your administrative position can be challenged by someone else. And, if voting results are not in your favor, the challenger becomes new Oi Administrator.

When you create Private Oi, you become Oi Owner. Monthly fee to maintain private Oi is higher. However, no one can challenge your ownership and administrative role.

The only significant difference between Public and Private Oi's is who controls them. Anyone is able to view content of Public or Private Oi's.

Public and Private Oi's form two parallel universes, giving control of information to both, the public as well as private entities. They do not compete, but rather complement each other's unique point of view, which in turn enriches informational landscape.

Within each such universe, every Oi and audience combination is unique. Creating very similar Oi's is not allowed. Thus, the amount of Informational Real Estate is limited. Whoever claims it first, may own it indefinitely.

Your voice is never lost. Every searchable Oi can be found by its name and intended audience.

Creation of Oi enables you to accomplish many different things. You can describe Oi on its Main Page, and provide additional pages associated with Oi such as Pictures, Videos, Websites/links, Documents, Music, Files, Maps/directions. You may also update others through Oi Status, specify related Oi's and listings as well as let others to do the same. Any Oi may host public and private conversations as well as personal notes.

Others can find your Oi by its name. Because you gave Oi a name as a result of your natural thought process, it is likely that others will think about your Oi in similar terms when looking for it.

Oi's may have any meaningful names. Even with hashtags. For example, "How to take pictures", "Job search #jobs", "Snow removal", "Plumbers", "Best Italian Restaurants", "President of The United States #potus", "Health Walk #health", "Best Pediatricians", and so on, and so forth.

What is Listing?

Creating a Listing allows anyone to express their intent to buy, sell, trade, find, offer, inform, or alert others about something. Think of listings as classified ads on steroids.

Listing content could be as simple as one sentence; or as elaborate as multiple pages with text, pictures, and videos; or anything in between.

Every searchable listing is assigned its intended audience. Users can find such listing by entering one or more words from the listing name, even partially spelled, and in any order. However, the listing is only shown if user's Audience of Interest has something in common with intended audience of the listing.

A non-searchable listing can only be discovered if it is related to another item such as Oi, listing, or person. Others can find related listings by first finding an item of interest, and then viewing related listings.

Listing owners can relate their listings to another item if it is allowed by the owner of such other item. Relating to Public Oi's is always allowed.

Notion of related Listings presents a powerful alternative to individuals, marketers, and advertisers. Because all searchable items are naturally structured by interest and demographics, every related listing is automatically associated with its target audience.

While viewing an item, related listings are always just one click away. This makes it easy and intuitive to translate the thought about related products, services, and information into actually seeing related listings within seconds, and at the exact moment when so desired.

Oithis application promotes smart cooperation between consumers and businesses, replacing centuries old advertising model where people are forced to view unwanted ads mixed with useful content.

What are Characteristics?

Creating and managing characteristics have been implemented. However, applying characteristics to Oi's, listings, and people has not been implemented yet. Therefore, filtering Oi's, listings, and people by characteristics is not yet working.

Characteristics allow to describe qualities of an Oi, a Listing, or a Person in a formal and searchable way. For example, Suit size, Dress color, Working hours, Number of bedrooms, Love dogs, Dark hair, Bride's name, Will deliver, Discount percentage, and so on.

When looking for Oi's, Listings, or People, their respective characteristics are shown alongside displayed items. Not only you learn what those characteristics are, but you are able to filter your search results by selecting only characteristics you are interested in.

Most anyone is able to create a new characteristic, or modify an existing characteristic. You are the one who makes a decision to do so.

A new, or a newly modifed characteristic can be utilized right away, and be applied to an Oi, a Listing, or a Person as desired.

Characteristic review process ensures compliance with Oithis policies. Such process has another important objective - to preserve integrity of characteristics, so that they are clear, useful, and unumbiguous. For example, if there is characteristic 'T-shirt size', and someone tries to create characteristic 'Size of T-shirt', such newly created characteristic will not be approved because it would effectively become a duplicate of an already existing characteristic.

What is Reputation?

Reputation gives you an idea of how useful and interesting an Oi or a listing is, and how helpful and interesting a person is. Reputation above 500 is considered to be OK. If you have any doubts, have a close look at any Oi, listing, or person. Then, judge for yourself.

Over time, reputation of Oi's, listings, and people may change. It is recalculated whenever someone views Oi, listing, or person respectfully.

Reputation calculation for any Oi, listing, or person always starts with base reputation of 500. Then, various factors are taken into account.

Here are the factors which increase reputation. Affected items are shown in bold.

  • Time passed since registration of a person, or time passed since creation of Oi or listing increases their reputation.
  • Larger audience of Oi or listing increases their reputation. However, smaller audience a person belongs to, increases person's reputation.
  • Presence of summary for Oi, listing, or person increases their reputation. The longer the summary (up to a certain point, around 100 characters), the higher the reputation.
  • Presence of main image for Oi, listing, or person increases their reputation.
  • Geographic area being certified for Oi, listing, or person increases their reputation. Certified geographic area means that owner of searchable Oi, listing, or user self has been around the geographic area. Such certification occurs automatically for a searchable Oi, listing, or person.
  • Presence of content pages and their greater size for Oi, listing, or person increases their reputation.
  • Owning/managing Oi's and listings increases person's reputation.
  • Sharing interest regarding saved Oi's, listings and other people increases person's reputation.
  • Oi's and listings which allow relating, better yet actually having related items such as other Oi's and listings, have higher reputation.
  • Oi's, listings, and people having other people who are interested in them have higher reputation.
  • People, Oi's, and listings being appreciated by others have higher reputation, depending on how many times appreciated and the total amount of appreciation contribution.
  • People who appreciate Oi's, listings, and other people have higher reputation, depending on how many times they appreciated.
  • People, Oi's, and listings hosting dedicated oithis have significantly higher reputation.
  • People paying usage fees on time have higher reputation.

Here are the factors which decrease reputation. Affected items are shown in bold.

  • People, Oi's, and listings being disapproved by others have lower reputation, depending on how many times disapproved and the total amount of disapproval contribution.
  • People have lower reputation if they excessively disapprove Oi's, listings, and other people (e.g. many times over a short period of time). Occasional disapprovals do not reduce person's reputation.
  • People not paying usage fees on time have lower reputation.

Some of the things affected by reputation of Oi, listing, or person:

  • Reputation number is prominently displayed for every item being viewed. Therefore, reputation of Oi, listing, or person is visible to others at all times.
  • When looking for Oi's, listings, or people, discovered items are by default displayed in order of reputation, where items with higher reputation are shown first.
  • Items with poor reputation are hidden. Oi's, listings, and people with reputation less than $MIN_REP_TO_SHOW_IN_SEARCH_RESULTS are not shown in search results most of the time.
  • Some actions have minimum reputation requirements as specified by $OITHIS_NAME owner, and are not allowed if person's reputation is below a certain level. See table below. These requirements are likely to change over time as user community grows.

    Minimum reputation to create Public Oi. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_PUBLIC_OI
    Minimum reputation to create Private Oi. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_PRIVATE_OI
    Minimum reputation to create listing. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_LISTING
    Minimum reputation to create Alert listing. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_ALERT_LISTING
    Minimum reputation to appreciate Oi's, listings, and people. $MIN_REP_TO_APPRECIATE
    Minimum reputation to disapprove Oi's, listings, and people. $MIN_REP_TO_DISAPPROVE
    Minimum reputation to create dedicated oithis. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_CHILD_OIN
    Minimum reputation to participate in public or private conversation. $MIN_REP_TO_POST
    Minimum reputation to create characteristic definition. $MIN_REP_TO_CREATE_CHAR_DEF
    Minimum reputation to modify characteristic definition. $MIN_REP_TO_MODIFY_CHAR_DEF

How we calculate reputation may change over time as we fine tune the application, and process users' feedback. This help section will be updated accordingly.

Second layer of the Internet

On the one hand, Oithis application acts as a search engine when someone is looking for Oi's (pronounced O-I, and stands for Object of Interest). On the other hand, Oithis application allows creation of Oi's.

Each Oi is effectively a simple website offering extended features such as intended audience, multiple designated pages, related items, interested people, public as well as private one-on-one conversations, and more.

Here are a few significant conclusions.

  • Most static websites could be migrated to their respective Oi's. Benefits include reduced monthly payments, ease of content editing, ability to interact with others, and taking advantage of full Oi functionality. One important benefit is that Oi's of interest can be found by their names, and without the need to advertise.
  • Many existing dynamic websites struggle to be noticed, and spend significant resources on advertisement. Instead, respective Oi's could be created. Such Oi's can easily be found by their names. Each Oi may introduce viewers to a website content, and of course provide link to the actual dynamic website.
  • Many people who would love to have their own websites gave up on the idea because of the following challenges: 1) Too complicated; 2) Too costly; 3) No one would be able to find their website. Creating an Oi allows to overcome all three challenges.

As a result of the above, and over time, Oithis application may become the second layer of the Internet by absorbing most static websites, creating point of entry for many dynamic websites, and offering a viable solution to many people whose desire to have their own website has never materialized.

Credits and fees

Applicable credits and fees are displayed throughout the application. However, applying fees has not been implemented yet. Therefore, no one is being billed for the use of Oithis application at this time.

Here are credits and fees for Oi's, listings, and people for current oithis ($OIN_NAME). Some fees may be rounded in order to avoid too many decimal places. Credits and fees related to appreciation and disapproval vary and therefore are not shown here. They can be viewed within contextual help when trying to appreicate or disapprove Oi, listing, or person.

Minimum audience fee for Oi, listing, or person. $0.00
Maximum audience fee for Oi, listing, or person. Few dollars

How to contact Oithis support

Choose an option which suites you best:

  • Email your questions and feedback to
  • Start public conversation or private one-on-one conversation with Oithis Support.
  • How to get to Oithis Support? Select Find people. Enter "oithis support", or "oi sup" as search words.
Provide as much detail as possible:
  • Include your registration email and screen name if you are registered.
  • Please be specific. Include exact time if something didn't work right. This will help our investigation.
  • Attach screen shots (if using email) of what you observed if an issue is hard to identify or reproduce.
  • Include id of an item in question such as Oi, listing, or person. In order to find id of an item, expand it (click/tap on Collapsed which is located in front of item name) so that you can see control icons at the bottom of an item. Click/tap on Help which would be the very last icon. Item id will be displayed right before it.

Oithis Terms of Service

Services being offered. Oithis ('the company'), offers web based platform 'Oithis Web Services - For the People' (OWS-FTP, 'the services') through the use of its web based application ('the application'), which is primarily intended for the people of the United States. Individuals, companies, and organizations may create readily searchable web based content without the need to create websites or utilize search engine optimization techniques. No special skills are required, so that an average person is able to do so. Anyone may search for content created by others as explained further below. Main purpose of OWS-FTP is to maintain human knowledge in all its dynamic form, expression, and variety while structuring information for the convenience of a human mind, and allowing people to interact in a variety of ways. The services may change over time, some features may disappear, and new features may be introduced. Check these Terms periodically in order to stay up-to-date. There may be no notification about future changes. The most recent version of the Terms overrides any older version. Services may experience interruptions. Limits on the use of the services may be imposed at any time. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such changes and occurrencies. In liability statements within the Terms, 'the company' should also read 'including officers, directors, employees, and partners'.

Who may use the services. You may only use the services if you agree to these Terms. If you are using the services on behalf of a company, organization, government, or any other legal entity, you certify that you are authorized to do so, and in such case it is implied that when these Terms refer to the words "you" and "yours", it indirectly refers to such entity.

Use by minors. Minors (children of ages 17 and below) must receive consent of their parents/guardians in order to use the application. Their use of the application constitutes that such consent was received. It is responsibility of the parent/guardian to lock child's audience of interest so that child is only able to find Oi's, listings, and people whose intended audiences include appropriate age, while at the same time not being able to find Oi's, listings, and people whose intended audiences do not include appropriate age. A child may accidentally or intentionally be able to unlock and expand audience of interest age range, and be able to view any content as a result. Any content designated by content creators for the audience with ages of 17 and below may accidentally, intentionally, or negligently contain materials not suitable for minors. It is responsibility of the parent/guardian to supervise a child, and to prevent such occurrences. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents.

Objects of Intereset. Oi (Object of Interest, pronounced O-I) is the centerpiece of Oithis application. Refer to the main help topic 'What is Oi website?' for detailed explanation. Oi's can be created by any logged-in user. Oi's can be searched for by words in their names, by their intended audiences, or by the combination of the two. Registered users of the application are presented as specialized objects of interest and referred to as people. Listings are also specialized objects of interest. Refer to the main help topic 'What is Listing?' for details. Public Oi's belong to the public. User who creates public Oi becomes public Oi administrator, and is in immediate control of such public Oi. However, user's administrative position can be challenged by another user, and if voting results are unfavorable, the challenger becomes new public Oi administrator automatically. Public Oi cannot be deleted, but only abandoned. An abandoned public Oi becomes unclaimed, and may be claimed by any user, who then automatically becomes such public Oi administrator. If that happens, the original Oi administrator can no longer claim such Oi back. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such occurrences. User who creates private Oi becomes the owner of such private Oi. No one can challenge private Oi ownership. Private Oi may be deleted by its owner. Public and private Oi's represent two parallel universes where interests of publicly controlled and privately controlled information complement each other instead of competing with each other.

Informational Real Estate. An individual object of interest (Oi, listing, or person) represents a piece of informational real estate, i.e. informational real estate property. Traditional real estate refers to a piece of land and structures built on top of it. The latter could be as simple as an empty lot, or as complex as a house or building, including roadways, parks, gardens, various water, electricity, and communications infrustructure. Similarly, a piece of informational real estate refers to its name and audience combination, and informational structures built upon it. The latter may include, but not limited to, summary, status, main page, other designated pages, public and private conversations, relationship links with other object of interest, appreciation and disapproval links with other objects of interest. The company maintains such informational real estate properties while assessing its owners maintenance and usage fees. A person who creates an object of intereset is effectively claiming such piece of informational real estate, and may own it indefinitely or delete/abandon at any time according to these Terms. For every public Oi, its name and audience combination is unique among all public Oi's. For every private Oi, its name and audience combination is unique among all private Oi's. However, it is allowed to have a public Oi and a private Oi having the same name and audience combination. Creating very similar public Oi's is not allowed. Creating very similar private Oi's is not allowed. Therefore, when it comes to Oi's, the amount of informational real estate is limited. Very similar Oi's are those that would have very similar names and very similar audiences combinations. Exact manner of determination is not being disclosed, and may change over time. It is possible that at some point in time you are able to create Oi similar to someone elses's Oi, however at another point in time such action may no longer be allowed. It is possible that at some point in time someone else is not able to create Oi similar to one of yours, however at another point in time such action may be allowed. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such occurrences.

Safeguarding your login and account information. The company is proactively safeguarding user login and account information. No matter how small, there is always a risk that such information may be compromised accidentally, negligently, or intentionally. You should consider such risk on whether to utilize, or how to utilize the application. It is also your responsibility to safeguard the application login and account information by using strong passwords, utilizing pause authentication feature when entering passwords, not sharing login information with others, safeguarding it from unauthorized access, and resetting your password in case you discover unauthorized access to your account. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of your user account being breached regardless of whose fault it was. You may cancel your user account at any time, at which point you have to explicitly delete all Oi's and listings that you own/manage. You may restore your deleted user account, and recover those Oi's and listings which have not been deleted permanently. We do not guarantee that cancelled user account and any deleted Oi's and listings are preserved, and even if deleted user account, Oi's, and listings are preserved, they may be deleted at any time automatically. Deleted Oi's have their names automatically modified by adding word "DELETED" or similar expressions. Deleting an Oi may open up corresponding space within informational real state, which then can be taken by someone else. As a result, it may be impossible to restore previously deleted Oi to have its original name and audience combination. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such occurrences.

Who is responsible for content? Owner/administrator of Oi, listing, or person self is fully responsible for the published content, and must comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations as well as requirements of these Terms. Oi's, listings, and people with intended audience age which includes age range of 17 and below must not contain presentation not suitable for minors. Oi's, listings, and people having content not suitable for minors may not relate (directly, or indirectly by saving an item while electing sharing) those items with other Oi's, listings, and people whose intended audience age range includes age range of 17 and below. It is possible that you or person you gave access to your login, may accidentally or intentionally publish information which may turn out to be inappropriate to you or others. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. Owner/administrator of any object of interest is fully responsible for its content to be in compliance with existing laws, and is also responsible for the consequences of how such content affects other users as well as all people and any specific person. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of inaccurate, misleading, upsetting, offensive, inappropriate, harmful, deceptive, or otherwise detrimental content.

Content consumption. Consuming published content includes (but not limited to) viewing, reading, listening, memorizing, being upset, being excited, being distraught, being distracted, and/or otherwise reacting to it. Consumption of content of Oi's, listings, and people is at your own risk. Such content may be found to be inaccurate, misleading, upsetting, offensive, inappropriate, harmful, deceptive, or otherwise detrimental. The company does not actively monitor or control such content. However, we reserve the right to remove any content, and suspend objects of interest which violate these Terms.

Advertisements. Oithis application does not engage in advertisement. Users will not see ads mixed with content. Instead, Oi's, listings, and people seeking promotion may be elected by their owners/administrators to relate (directly, or indirectly as mentioned above) with other Oi's, listings, and people. When such other Oi's, listings, and people are shown, corresponding related counts are prominently displayed. If so desired, viewer may click/tap on any such count, at which point related items are displayed. Oithis application promotes smart cooperation between consumers and businesses instead of utilizing forced advertisement model where users are forced to view uncolicited ads mixed with content. Note that content of Oi's, listings, and people may contain ads created by users of the application. The company has no control over such ads. However, you have the power to discourage such activity by disapproving respective object of interest.

Multiple oithis. Term 'oithis' (pronounced O-I-THIS) refers to a singular virtual space (like a website) where users may enter, register, log-in, create Oi's and listings, interact with each other, look for information, etc. OWS-FTP offers unlimited number of such virtual spaces on demand. They are effectively multiple dimensions of informational real estate. For example, when coming to the website, users of the application enter public oithis called 'Global Oithis'. It is controlled and managed by the company. Every Oi, listing, and person may host their own respective 'dedicated oithis'. Owner of Oi, listing, or person self who created dedicated oithis becomes its owner, and has full control over it. Entering such dedicated oithis is like going to a completely different website while utilizing the same web based application. Dedicated oithis is fully controlled by the owner/administrator of hosting Oi, listing, or person respectfully. Any logged-in user of the application may elect to create 'secure oithis', which then can be entered directly via '' URL from any IP address which falls into a certain IP address range specified during creation of such secure oithis. User who created secure oithis becomes its owner, and fully controls it. Any Oi, listing, or person of dedicated or secure oithis may in turn host its own dedicated oithis, thus creating a nested oithis structure. Owner of any secure or dedicated oithis is fully responsible for its management and content, as well as for the management and content of any nested oithis.

User location data. The following is performed by the application for public Oi's, searchable private Oi's, searchable listings, and searchable people. The application occasionally determines owner's/administrator's device location data, but only if allowed by user's browser settings. Such location data may be reasonably accurate. The application occasionally (and unconditionally) determines location of owner's/administrator's device IP address via a third party service. Such location data may be accurate, inaccurate, or even unavailable. Available location data is used to provide automatic geographic area certification for the audience of such Oi, listing, or person respectfully. Certifying such geographic area means that owner/administrator of Oi, listing, or person respectfully has been around such geographic area, and not someone located thousands of miles away. Such certification is purposefully vague as to precision and timing because it is not intended for tracking purposes. Note that absence of such certification cannot be relied upon to draw the opposite conclusion because user's device location detection could be disabled, and IP address location could be inaccurate, or unavailable. If you are uncomfortable with this feature of the application, you should not create or manage public Oi's (as they are always searchable), and always elect unsearchable status for your private Oi's, your listings, and your person self. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences if others learn that you have been around a certain geographic area as explained above.

User activity timestamps. Timestamps of user's activity, indicating precise time accurate to a second, are displayed to others throughout various screens of the application. Such timestamps may include, but not limited to, time of creation of Oi or listing, time of user's registration, time of updating user's status, time of updating Oi, listing, or user parameters, time of posting in a public or private conversation, time of appreciation or disapproval. As a result, others may learn exact time of user's activity, whether it occurred recently or years ago. There could be personal, professional, or legal matters where such information may turn out to be detrimental to a user. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents.

Conversations. Every Oi, listing, and person may host public conversations, private one-on-one conversations, and personal notes. Only logged-in user may participate in a conversation or write a personal note. Public conversations can be viewed by anyone, even by guest users who are not logged in. Private one-on-one conversations can only be viewed by the two parties involved. Personal notes can only be viewed by their authors. Although unlikely, a software bug or a piece of malicious code may potentially expose private one-on-one conversations and personal notes to others. You should consider such risk, and avoid posting sensitive information which may harm you or others if exposed. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. If you delete your private Oi, your listing, or person self (i.e. your user account), then all public conversations, your private one-on-one conversations, and your personal notes hosted by such Oi, listing, or person respectfully may no longer be available for viewing, posting, or replying. As explained above, if you delete your public Oi, it becomes unclaimed. Public conversations hosted by such Oi are preserved. However, your private one-on-one conversations and personal notes are deleted. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such occurrences. In order to protect your privacy, you may scramble sensitive information beyond recognition utilizing '' utility prior to posting. This requires you and the reader of your post to share a passphrase outside of the application in order to be able to unscramble previously scrambled text. It is your responsibility to share such passphrase securely, and without the use of the application. It is possible that someone may guess, steal, or somehow acquire your passphrase, and successfully unscramble the text as a result. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. At your own risk, you are free to use the above utility to scramble any text for your personal privacy protection. At your own risk, you are free to save the above utility to your computer/device, and then use that saved copy of the utility instead of the online version. At your own risk, you may share this utility with others. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such actions. You are anyone else is not allowed to modify a copy of the utility, or to share modified copy with others. However, you are free to provide your feedback and suggestions.

Appreciations and Disapprovals. Every Oi, listing, or person may be appreciated or disapproved by any logged in user. An optional comment may be provided. Appreciation and disapproval fees (contributions in very small amounts) are assessed as explained below. User must have positive amount of funds in order to pay such fees. Anyone may view who appreciated/disapproved any Oi, listing, or person. Anyone may view what Oi's, listings, and people where appreciated/disapproved by any specific user. While viewing such information, optional comments are shown, however amounts of contribution are not. Although unlikely, a software bug, a piece of malicious code, or a hacker may potentially expose contribution amounts to others. You should consider such risk while utilizing appreciation and disapproval features of the application. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. User being disapproved is assessed a disapproval fee which is equal to a small percentage of disapproval contribution mentioned above. You agree to pay such disapproval fees when due.

User privacy. OWS-FTP does not collect, use, or share users' personal information for two reasons. First, we respect people's privacy as one of the most fundamental human rights. Second, thre is no need to generate revenue derived from the use or sale of users' personal information to advertisers and other third parties because the company's revenue model relies on OWS-FTP maintenance and usage fees. Your login email and billing details are scrambled when stored in the database. Your screen name may represent your real name or a ficticious name. You are able to change your screen name at any time. The company reserves the right to inspect any content created by users, including but not limited to any object of interest content, appreciation/disapproval data, public conversations, private conversations, and personal notes for the purpose of investigations regarding potential violations of these Terms. We may also share such information with law enforcement agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (e.g. a court order, or a subpoena), and in such instances we may be prohibited from informing affected users. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents.

Reputation. Numeric reputation is calculated for every Oi, listing, and person, and is prominently displayed when any of such items are shown. Refer to the main help topic 'What is reputation?' for details.

Content moderation. Content moderation is performed by users of the application through the following mechanism. On the one hand, certain Oi's, listings, and people may be appreciated. As a result their reputation goes up. On the other hand, certain Oi's, listings, and people may be disapproved. As a result their reputation goes down. By default, search results are always displayed so that items with higher reputation are shown first. As a result, items with lower reputation are shown last, and may even be hidden in case of very low reputation.

Prohibited content. Refers to text, images, videos, graphics, audio, web links, or any other type of content.

  • Sexual exploitation of children.
  • Graphic violence.
  • Graphic adult content including pornography.
  • Illegal goods and services.
  • Private, personal, and confidential information about or belonging to a person, a company, an organization, or any other legal entity without their consent, even if publicly available.
  • Intellectual property of others without their consent, including copyrighted and trademarked content.
  • Content generated programmatically unless specifically allowed by these Terms.
  • Content generated by a designated group of people being utilized as artificial intelligence agents acting as AI robots on behalf of another entity.

Revenue sharing with users. User who appreciates Oi, listing, or person is assessed appreciation fee called appreciation contribution. Significant percentage of this contribution is distributed to the owner/administrator of such Oi, listing, or person respectfully. User who disapproves Oi, listing, or person is assessed disapproval fee called disapproval contribution. Owner of Oi, listing, or person being disapproved is assessed a disapproval fee as a percentage of the original disapproval amount. Significant percentage of the above mentioned fees is distributed to owners of Oi's, listings, and people being later appreciated. Specific percentages and mechanisms may be viewed within contextual help when attempting to appreciate or disapprove. Daily promotion fee is assessed when Oi or listing is associated (related) to another Oi or listing. A percentage of such fee is distributed to the owner/administrator of such other Oi or listing. Specific percentages may be viewed within contextual help when attempting to relate.

Credits and fees. It is free to enter 'Global Oithis' as well as any secure or dedicated oithis. It is free to look for Oi's, listings, and people as well as to view their respective content. Otherwise, refer to main help topic 'Credits and fees' for details.

Sharing of information with external parties. The application facilitates sharing links to (but not limited to) Oi's, listings, people, and text stereograms with multiple social media and email platforms. It is your sole responsibility to make sure such sharing does not violate their respective terms of service, regardless of whether you are a logged-in or not. You or another person who you provided with your login (intentionally, accidentally, or negligently) may share information which does violate other platform terms of service. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents.

Paying monthly bills. A registered user incurs monthly fees as detailed in the main help topic 'Credits and fees'. Monthly bill is provided to every such user via email and/or in-app notification. Such bill must be paid promptly. Failure to pay monthly bills on time may reduce user's reputation. After prolonged non-payment period, user's account may be suspended or removed along with user's Oi's and listings.

Text stereograms. The application allows to generate text stereograms comprised of text characters, and then share such stereograms with others via a corresponding link, or by copying text from the screen. See main help option 'Hide secret inside 3D text'. Such stereograms are intended for entertainment purposes only. They may conceal a text message, which can be easily seen by others, and therefore cannot be relied upon to conceal true secrets, passwords, and other personal or sensitive information. You may intentionally, accidentally, or negligently reveal sensitive information through the use of stereograms. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. Viewing stereograms may have negative effect on some people. Avoid viewing steregrams and avoid sending stereograms to others if you know or suspect they could be harmful. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents. Viewing stereograms may have positive effect on some people by providing eye relaxation and improved vision. Such positive effect may or may not occur for others. You will not hold the company liable if your vision does not improve as a result of viewing stereograms.

Use of cookies. The application is utilizing browser cookies in order to preserve your session id and other non-identifiable pieces of information about your browser session. You are free to clear cookies at the end of each browser session. If you do so, then on the next browser session the application will not "remember" you, and will behave as if you invoked the application from a new computer/device. If you clear cookies in the middle of the session, then the behavior of the application is unpredictable. If you completely disable the use of cookies, then the application will not function at all. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of your manipulation of browser cookies. A hacker or malicious software may learn browser cookies associated with the application, gain access to your account as a result, and then cause unpredictable harm to you or others via the use of the application on your behalf. You will not hold the company liable for the consequences of such incidents.

Update history. Newer entries are added at the end.

Date Description of changes
11/xx/2022 Initial version of the Terms introduced.
01/17/2023 These terms went live along with the application.
01/21/2023 Added clause 'User activity timestamps'.

Frequently Asked Questions

What could be an Oi?
Pretty much anything could become an Oi: a topic, a question, a place, a company, an organization, a person, an animal, an event, a category of products, and so on, and so forth. Whatever deserves your attention, or is significant in any way - can be an Oi.
Who can create an Oi?
Anyone can create an Oi. If a person feels that something is important enough to be an Oi, so be it. Any registered User of this application is free to create an Oi. Such User becomes an Oi Administrator who controls certain aspects of such newly created Oi.
What are Public and Private Oi's?
There are two parallel universes: Public Oi's and Private Oi's, distinguished by who controls an Oi – either the public, or a private entity.

Public Oi's belong to the public and are controlled by the public. They belong to no one in particular. A public Oi Administrator controls certain aspects of an Oi: Name, Status, Audience, Characteristics, Main Page, Related Oi's, and other components such as hand picked Posts, Polls, Websites, Pictures, Videos, Audios and Documents. A Public Oi Administrator generally does NOT control Reviews, Forum, Listings, and related Users. Although an Oi Administrator is in immediate control of many aspects of an Oi, he or she can be challenged by someone else, and voted out by other Users. In such a case, the challenger becomes a new Oi Administrator. Such self governing democratic process ensures that Public Oi's truly serve the public. There are no fees to create and maintain Public Oi's, except for Listing fees.

Private Oi's belong to a private party – an Oi Owner - who acts as an Oi Administrator, and additionally controls all aspects of such Oi except for Reviews. For example, an Oi Owner decides whether Users can post in the Forum, reply to posts only, and whether their posts may have a text only, or richer content. In the same fashion, other Users may or may not be allowed to place Listings. There are fees to create and maintain a Private Oi. Private Oi fees depend on the size of Oi Audience, amount of information presented by such Private Oi, and how often such Oi is viewed by other Users.

Oithis Users can search for Public Oi's, Private Oi's, or both. Public and Private Oi's are presented differently so that there is no confusion which type of Oi is shown.

As was mentioned, Public and Private Oi's form two parallel universes. It is possible to have exactly the same Public Oi and Private Oi – both with identical names and identical Audiences. Such separation of Public and Private Oi's prevents any private party from seizing control of any publicly controlled object of interest! At the same time, a private party has the freedom and the capability to present its point of view regarding any object of interest. Both Public and Private Oi's benefit the public in one way or another.
Why would anyone create a Public Oi?
It is a well known fact that people write letters and emails to various magazines, create their own websites and blogs, participate in clubs and various online message boards, write reviews about the products they buy, comment on what they learned or read. It is part of human nature to be passionate about things which concern us, express our emotions, promote our knowledge, and follow our passion in whatever medium is available.

Unfortunately, no existing informational infrastructure allows people to contribute easily and in a meaningful way. It takes a significant effort, and a person's voice gets lost easily. Therefore, many do not participate. At least, not as much as they want to. If a person wants to express himself or herself regarding a certain interest, either a website is created, or a person posts something within the existing website. Creating a website requires significant time and effort, often can only be justified if a commercial activity is involved. Posting on someone else's website is possible, but which one to choose? The bigger problem is that no matter where people want to express themselves, their voice gets lost because no one can easily find what they posted. The reality is that today's world of information represents chaos consisting of millions of disparate websites. Search engines do help to find information, but the entire process is a far cry from being accurate and often does not produce meaningful results.

Creating a Public Oi is a matter of a few minutes if not seconds, and is always free. What is even more significant that Public Oi name can represent the exact interest. There is no need to come up with alternative names. Oi names consist of words with spacing between them which is more meaningful than a long string of characters like a website name. At the same time, Oi Audience allows to present information in a way most suitable to specific demographic group, thus fostering and allowing for a variety of opinions regarding the same object of interest.

Every Public Oi in the system can be easily found because its name represents the exact interest, and its Audience represents the exact intended demographics. As a result, users of Oithis application feel empowered. The transition from a thought about something to finding related information is effortless and precise. Such circumstances foster and encourage self expression. People will know that their voice will not be lost in the chaos which exists today. On the contrary, every piece of information can be easily found because all information is structured by interest and its respective audience.
Why would anyone create a Private Oi?
Unlike Public Oi's which are controlled by the public, a Private Oi Owner retains a complete control of a Private Oi. For many Oithis users, this would be a viable option to represent their commercial or other interest for a small fee. As with Public Oi's, Private Oi name can represent the exact interest. There is no need to come up with alternative names. Oi names consist of words with spacing between them which is more meaningful than a long string of characters like a website name. At the same time, an Oi Audience allows to present information in a way most suitable to a specific demographic audience. As a result, a Private Oi can be easily found by anyone. There is no need to conduct a marketing campaign in order to reach the desired demographic audience.

The ease and effectiveness of Private Oi's will appeal to a large number of businesses and individuals.
What is Oi Audience?
Oi Audience is very important Oi component. It represents demographic audience for which an Oi is most useful. Oi Audience is defined by most fundamental human attributes such as age, sex/gender, language, and geographic area. An Oi Administrator/Owner decides what is the most suitable Oi Audience. When a User looks for Oi's by their names, the User's search Audience is also matched against Oi Audiences, and only those Oi's whose Audiences have something in common with the user's Search Audience, are shown in results.

Oi Audience represents a soft designation, and any User can easily override this search criteria if so desired. In other words, regardless of Oi Audience, every User is still able to find and view every Oi in the system.

The significance of Audience is that exactly the same object of interest can be presented differently depending on the intended audience. For example, there could be one Oi 'How Cars Work' with the Audience Age of 5-8, and another Oi 'How Cars Work' with the Audience Age of 20-60. Both Oi's provide information on how cars work, however such information is presented differently to children and to adults. Similarly, 'Gardening' can be presented differently depending on geographic location. And so on, and so forth. The most significant consequence of this notion is that there is no need to come up with different names for the same object of interest if it is simply meant for another audience!
How does filtering by Audience work?
Filtering by Audience is an additional criteria always used by Oithis application when looking for Oi's. Let's say certain Oi's match your search keywords. Not all of them may be shown in search results. Additionally, every Oi Audience is matched against your search Audience. Only Oi's with similar (having something in common) Audiences are shown.

Any two Audiences are similar if there are people which belong to both of them at the same time. Let's consider the following example:

Search Audience: Age 15-25; Sex: Male; Language: English; Area: Garden City, NY.

An Oi Audience: Age 20-50; Sex: Male, Female; Language: English, Spanish; Area: Long Island, NY.

Such Oi Audience is similar to your search Audience because males of age 20-25, who speak English and live in Garden City belong to both Search Audience and Oi Audience.

If at least one Oi Audience parameter has nothing in common with the respective search Audience parameter, then both Audiences are different. For example, if Oi Audience Age is 30-50, then it is different from the search Audience Age of 20-25, therefore no people belong to the same Audience, and as a result both Audiences are different. We would come to the same conclusion if Oi Audience had Sex as Female only, Language was Spanish only, or Area was Trenton, NJ.

To make filtering by Audience effective, use the following guidelines.

Make your Search Audience as narrow as possible when looking for Oi's and/or Listings.

When creating an Oi, make Oi Audience as wide as it needs to be.

When looking for other users, make your search Audience as wide as needed.
Can Audience be used to discriminate against certain groups of people?
In short, No. Audience is a soft designation. Any user looking for Oi's or Listings can override their search Audience, and view any Oi or any Listing. As a matter of fact, any user can create multiple search Audiences representing any desired demographics, as narrow or as wide as needed.

When assigning an Audience to an Oi, this is no different than placing let's say an ad in a magazine whose readers belong to a certain audience. For example, placing a job wanted ad in 'Seventeen' magazine implies that mostly young people will see the ad. This could be perceived as an act of discrimination against older people. However, an older person is free to purchase the magazine and view the ad. Therefore, no act of discrimination takes place.

In the same way, any user who looks for Oi's can easily change their search Audience, and find any Oi and any Listing.
Why Audience is limited to just a few parameters?
Notion of Audience is meant to be as simple as possible by including the bare minimum - only the most essential and fundamental attributes differentiating one person from another. However, there is a way to indicate any other attributes to better designate the usefulness of an Oi, or a User. This is achieved through the use of Characteristics. Consider the following example below.

Let's say a certain Oi is relevant to tall people only. An Oi Administrator may assign to such Oi a Characteristic 'General Height' with the value 'Tall' - which signifies such designation. When viewing Oi's, a User is able to filter Oi's based on their actual Characteristics – in our example, 'General Height'.
How children are protected from adult content?
When a child is looking for Oi's, the application will only show Oi's which match child's search Audience. Because age is part of search Audience, Oi's meant for older Audiences are not shown even if Oi names match the search words.

For example, there is an Oi "Bunny Ears" devoted to rabbits with the Audience specifying the age range of '2-6'. There is also another Oi "Bunny Ears" devoted to Playboy topics with the Audience specifying the age range of '18-50'. Let's say a child's search Audience indicates the age range of '5-10'.

When a child is looking for Oi's containing the word "Bunny", the first Oi in our example would be shown to a child because the child's search Audience age range of '5-10' has something in common with that Oi's Audience age range of '2-6'. The second Oi will not be shown because the search Audience age range of '5-10' has nothing in common with the second Oi Audience age range of '18-50'.

In another example, even if a child accidentally types the word "porn" instead of the word "corn" into the search field, the application will not show any Oi's with adult content for the same reason – a child's search Audience will not match Audiences of Oi's with adult content, specifically because of the age mismatch.

Lock-n-HideTM parental control feature prevents children from changing their search Audiences, thus eliminating the possibility of children viewing inappropriate material.
Can multiple Oi's have the same name?
Yes, multiple Oi's may have the same names. However, they all must have different Audiences. Any two Audiences are considered to be different if at least any one of the Audience parameters is different. Otherwise, they are considered to be similar, and in such case every parameter of one Audiences has something in common with every respective parameter of another Audience.

For example, if the age range in one Audience is '40-70' and the age range in another Audience is '18-30', such Audiences are different even if all other parameters are identical. If sex of one Audience is 'Male', and sex of another Audience is 'Female', such audiences are different even if all other parameters are identical. If the language in one Audience is 'English' while the language in another Audience is 'Spanish', such Audiences are different even if all other parameters are identical. If geographic area in one Audience covers the city of 'New York' while geographic area in another Audience covers 'San Francisco', such audiences are different even if all other parameters are identical.

Audience parameters which have something in common are NOT considered to be different – they are similar. For example, if the age range in one Audience is '40-70' and the age range in another Audience is '35-50', the age ranges are considered to be similar because ages of '40-50' belong to both Audiences. If the sex in one Audience is 'Male and Female', and the sex in another Audience is 'Female', the sexes are considered to be similar because 'Female' sex belongs to both Audiences. If the language in one Audience is 'English, Spanish, and French' while the language in another Audience is 'German, Spanish, and Chinese', the languages are considered to be similar because both of them have 'Spanish'. If geographic area in one Audience covers the city of 'New York' while geographic area in another Audience covers the state of 'NEW YORK', such areas are considered to be similar because they have common geographic area of the city of 'New York'.
What if Oi with the same Name and similar Audience already exists?
When a User creates a Public Oi, it may turn out that another Oi with the same Name and similar Audience already exists. The system would not allow a user to proceed. Such User has a few options. One option is to change the new Oi Audience to be different from the existing Oi Audience. Another option is to challenge another Oi Administrator to modify the other Oi's Audience in order to eliminate the conflict. The third option is to change the newly created Oi Name and thus resolve the conflict.

If a user picks the second option, and challenges another Public Oi Administrator, the system compares the size of the existing Oi Audience vs. the newly created Oi intended Audience. The newly created Oi intended Audience must be at least twice as small as the existing Oi Audience being challenged. If this is the case, the system gives a 7 day period for both parties to negotiate and to possibly resolve the conflict in good faith. If by the end of the 7 day period, the conflict is not resolved, the system automatically reduces the Audience of the existing Oi in favor of the new Oi with the smaller Audience, and thus resolves the conflict. Such a mechanism ensures co-existence of multiple points of view for the same object of interest! It also provides a reasonable assurance that there will be only as many different points of view as needed. Finally, this approach favors smaller Audiences to ensure that every demographic group can be represented for any object of interest.

When a user creates a Private Oi, it may turn out that another Private Oi with the same Name and similar Audience already exists. If the new Private Oi intended Audience is at least twice as small as the existing Private Oi Audience, the owner of the new Private Oi may challenge the owner of the existing Private Oi to sell or give up a part of the Audience in order to resolve the conflict. The system gives both parties 7 days to negotiate. The owner of the existing Private Oi may sell a part of the Audience to the owner of a new Private Oi for the agreed upon price. The application facilitates the transfer, and charges the seller a 5% transfer fee. If by the end of a 7 day period both parties did not reach an agreement, the owner of the new Private Oi has no choice but to either reduce the Audience of his new Private Oi, or to change the new Oi Name in order to resolve the conflict. However, at the same time the owner of the existing Private Oi is charged a one time fee reflecting higher demand for his Private Oi Audience. Such one time fee will occur every time a Private Oi challenge does not get resolved by mutual agreement. Such approach encourages a private party to only acquire as large an Oi Audience as needed.
Why Audience size is important, and how is it determined?
Audience size is used by Oiths application in order to calculate certain fees, and in order to resolve conflicts between Oi's with the same name.

Audience size is calculated as multiplication of the sizes of audience components - geographic area, age, sex/gender, and languages. They are calculated as follows.

Geographic area size is determined by how many ZIP codes it covers. For example, geographic area of the entire United States consists of approximately 43,000 ZIP codes. A small town may consist of only 1 zip code.

Age size is determined by how many years are covered by audience age range. For example, age range of 15-20 covers 6 years. Age of 35 covers only 1 year, and age range 0-120 covers 121 years.

There are total of 4 combinations for Sex/Gender, therefore its size may represent any number from 1-4 respectfully.

Language size is represented by a number of languages.

For example, the size of an Audience covering the entire United States (geographic area size of 43,000), for ages 50-70 (age size of 21), for Women only (sex/gender size of 1), and for Languages English, Spanish, and Italian (language size of 3) is calculated as follows:

43,000 * 21 * 1 * 3 = 270,900

On the other hand, the size of an Audience covering 1 ZIP code (geographic area size 1), for ages 15-17 (age size 3), for Boys only (sex/gender size 1), and for English language (language size 1) would be:

1 * 3 * 1 * 1 = 3
How to prevent abuse associated with the creation of millions of useless, poorly maintained Oi's?
It is inevitable that many Public Oi's may end up being useless, and offering no meaningful information to the Users. The application has built-in safeguards shielding users from such Oi's. As Public Oi's live on, the users rate them, effectively contributing to 'Reviews' component of every Public Oi. Useful quality Oi's will inevitably receive higher ratings, while useless and poor quality Oi's will receive poor or no ratings. Any time the application displays Oi's, higher quality Oi's are shown first. Assuming that most of the time the application shows multiple Oi's, a user will find useful Oi's at the beginning of the displayed Oi list, and will rarely reach the end of the list with poor quality Oi's. Users who create meaningless Public Oi's will soon realize that other Users are not viewing these Oi's. As a result, such wasteful activity will gradually disappear.

What if people register multiple times in order to create fake accounts, and then use them to give high ratings to their Public Oi's? There are a few safeguards to combat such approach. First, a new User is not allowed to leave reviews for 7 days after registration. Second, a User is only allowed to rate no more than 10 Oi's per day. Third, the application will detect creation of multiple accounts originated from the same computer, and will not allow to create more than 10 accounts per day unless browser cookies are cleared. Fourth, low quality Oi's whose ratings were inflated will ultimately be seen by other Users, and will inevitably get poor ratings which will move them back to the end of any displayed Oi list. Fifth, Public Oi's with very poor ratings as well as Public Oi's with no usage will be gradually eliminated by the system over a period of time.

What about Private Oi's? Same rules apply. Ultimately, Oithis serves the public. If a Private Oi has very poor rating, this means that Oithis user community does not want it.
Is there a reward for Oi Administrators/Owners?
Any user is free to show their appreciation of Oi Administrator/Owner efforts when encountering a quality Oi. This is accomplished by rewarding such Public Oi Administrator or a Private Oi Owner with a small monetary reward in the amount of a penny or more.

While this doesn't seem like much, many people may contribute over a period of time. As a result, the total amount may become significant. Aside from the monetary aspect, feeling appreciated provides a great deal of satisfaction to Oi Administrators/Owners who put their hearts and minds into maintaining quality Oi's.
What is the purpose of Listings?
Listings allow people to promote their activities. A typical use of Listings would be to offer something for sale. A Listing is always associated with an Oi, or multiple Oi's. This effectively allows Listing owners to pick their target audiences based on interest and demographics. There is a fee to place a Listing which depends on the popularity of an Oi, and on the duration of a Listing. Preferred Choice ListingsTM are shown first, and have higher associated fees.

Every Listing is assigned a Listing Intent which indicates more specifically what is the purpose of the Listing. This helps other users to find Listings which suit their needs. There are 7 Listing Intents as follows. A popular intent 'For Sale' indicates that a Listing offers something for sale. For example, a camera for sale. A rare intent 'To Buy' indicates that a Listing is looking to buy something. For example, to buy a boat. A popular intent 'Wanted' indicates that a Listing is looking for something which does not necessarily involve a purchase. For example, looking for a babysitter. A less popular intent 'Offering' indicates that a Listing is offering something which does not necessarily involve a purchase. For example, a handyman offers his services. A rare intent 'Trade' indicates that a Listing offers to trade one thing for another. For example, someone wants to trade a boat for a car. A somewhat popular intent 'Inform' simply informs others of something. For example, a wedding announcement. A popular intent 'Public Alert' indicates that a Listing alerts the public of something significant. For example, an alert about a flooded area, or other hazard.

Multitude of Oi's along with different Listing Intents create an unprecedented opportunity for commerce as well as effective and precise classified ads space which covers a broad range of categories and audiences – broader than any existing application by several levels of magnitude!

A Listing is described by the same informational structure as an Oi, and therefore consists of the same components as an Oi, effectively letting a Listing owner as well as the public to take advantage of all Oi related functionality.
How does Oithis support commercial activities?
A major objective of a commercial activity is how to make it easy for buyers and sellers to find each other. Oithis application naturally structures all information based on interests and demographics. As a result, both buyers and sellers can easily and precisely find each other, whether in local communities or being far away.

Sellers can place Listings offering products and services for their precise target audiences. Sellers achieve this by associating their Listings with Oi's matching their desired interest and demographics.

Users can easily find Oi's of their interest. Related Listings are just one click away.

Sellers may create Private Oi's to promote their commercial activities. Not only can they place Listings offering products and services, sellers can also explain about their products and services in greater detail, discuss them in the forum with potential buyers, and offer a variety of related information.
How would someone start a business using Oithis?
It is amazingly easy and inexpensive to start and grow a business utilizing Oithis application. Simply create Listings promoting your business, or offering for sale specific products and services. Associate your Listings with those Public Oi's which satisfy your target audiences. There is no need to conduct a marketing campaign or going door-to-door with fliers. There is no need to have a store front in the high trafficked area. You may not even need a store front at all! Because Oi's are naturally structured based on people's interests and Audiences, the people who view those Oi's are naturally suitable for the products and services listed for these Oi's! It's that simple! Consider a few start-up examples.

Let's say you want to start a business selling women's clothing. You can create a Listing promoting your business, or even multiple Listings offering certain items for sale. Associate your Listings with such Public Oi's as 'Women's Apparel', 'How to look pretty', 'Women', 'Dress for success', 'Women's Casuals', and similar. Any woman with the respective interest in any of these Oi's can easily find your Listing! Offer a 2 hour home delivery, and you may be a hit in your local community.

Let's say you want to start selling costume jewelry that you make at home. You can create a Listing promoting your new business, or even multiple Listings for specific items you make. Associate your Listings with such Public Oi's as 'Costume Jewelry', 'How to look pretty', 'Dress for Success', 'Women's Apparel', and similar. Any woman whose interest leads her to view these Oi's can easily find your Listings! Offer a home delivery within hours as well as personalized service to make your offers even more attractive. You don't even need to have a store front.

After a snowfall, a group of teenagers may place a listing with Oi "Snow removal" and for a certain geographic area. Anyone in this area can easily find Oi "Snow removal", find the listing, and contact the snow removal team within minutes after they place the listing - without ever leaving the comfort of their home.

A few Listings with the duration of a few months will cost you a few dollars, perhaps $5-10, maybe a bit more. These are very small start-up fees for any business.

You may find it useful to create and maintain a Private Oi in order to more effectively promote your business activities. Other people can easily find your Private Oi because its Name and Audience were carefully selected by you to precisely reflect your business as it is perceived by other people. The fees are likely to be very small – maybe a few dollars per month. It's possible that with low usage and small Audience, the fees will be zero!
How to gauge demand for products and services?
Every time a user is looking for Oi's or Listings, the application makes a note of it. It records what Oi was viewed at the time of Listing search, what was the Listing Intent, and what was the outcome of the search. No identifying User information is ever revealed to others.

Any business User, or any User is free to research what Oi's and/or Listings others were looking for. This allows any business, or any User, to get a sense of what people are looking for, gauge the demand, and react quickly by providing useful products and services as soon as possible.
Do I need to register in order to use Oithis application?
There is no need to register in order to use Oithis application. However, unregistered Users won't be able to take advantage of all available functionality.

Unregistered users can search for Oi's, Listings, and other Users. However, they will not be able to create Oi's and Listings, provide reviews, post in the forums, and interact with other Users.

Also, their search Audience will not be remembered by the application unless the same computer/device is being used. Therefore, such user may need to re-enter the search Audience prior to doing any searches.
What information do I need to provide in order to register?
In order to register with Oithis, you will need to provide an email, a password, and a screen name. Your email and password will be kept confidential. Your screen name can be anything you want – your nickname, your real name, or a made up name.

Over time, other users will be rating you and leaving reviews about you, effectively forming your reputation. Keep in mind that it is your reputation which would matter most, and not your screen name.
What language can be used to describe an Oi, a User, or a Listing?
Any language can be used. It is up to an Oi Administrator, a User, or a Listing owner respectfully. .
Can Oi be described in one language, but Oi Audience indicate another language?
In short – Yes. There are no restrictions in that respect.

For example, there could be two different Oi's named 'What is the meaning of the word Redundant?'. Both Oi's will be presented in English. However, the first Oi indicates the Audience language as English, while the second Oi indicates the Audience language as Spanish. The second Oi presents an explanation in a English and Spanish which would be easier to understand for a Spanish speaking person.
How much does it cost to place a Listing?
Most of the time, listing fees are very small, and usually measured in pennies. The actual Listing fee depends on a few factors.

Duration of a listing – the longer the listing is active, the more it costs.

The popularity of Listings for every associated Oi - how often viewers of an Oi click on 'Listings' button. If the Users do it often, there is a bigger chance for Users to view any given listing. Therefore, the Listing fee is higher, and vice versa.

Preferred Choice ListingsTM are always shown first. Because there is limited space for such listing, the fees are noticeably higher.

The final listing fee is the sum of fees for all associated Oi's.

The easiest way to find out the actual fee is to try placing a Listing. At that time, the application will show detailed and easy to understand fee calculation.

Multiple discounts are applied when calculating Listing fees. The more frequently a User is placing Listings and the more Listing fees have been paid in the past, the more discount is applied.

There is no difference in Listing fee calculations for Public and Private Oi's.
Who pays Listing fees?
For a Public Oi, a User who places a Listing is responsible for paying Listing fees.

For a Private Oi, a User who places a Listing is generally responsible for paying Listing fees. However, the owner of a Private Oi may decide to pay all Listing fees, and in such case the Users who place Listings are not paying any fees. For example, selected Users who are allowed to place Listings for a Private Oi may belong to a commercial group who owns a Private Oi and conducts commercial activities. Such Users along with a Private Oi Owner share the revenue from their commercial activities. In such case, it makes no sense to charge individual Users for placing Listings.
How to search for listings?
First, you have to find an Oi which corresponds to your interest. Following your thought is the easiest way. Those who create Listings associate them with Oi's that would naturally come to mind – to make it easy for anyone to find their Listings. You don't have to enter a full Oi name. Just put in a word or two into the search field. You can look for Public Oi's, Private Oi's, or both. Try different searches in order to get the feel for what works best.

For example, if you are looking to buy or sell flowers, look for Oi 'Flowers'. If you are looking to buy or sell a car, look for Oi 'Cars'. If you are looking for a job or offering a job, look for Oi 'Jobs', or 'Employment'. If you are looking to carpool or offering carpooling, look for Oi 'Carpooling', or 'Ride Share'. If you are looking for a wedding announcement, or want to make a wedding announcement, look for Oi 'Weddings'. If you are looking to shovel snow for a fee, or need someone else to shovel a snow, look for Oi 'Snow Removal'. If you are looking for local news or want to make others aware of something, look for Oi 'News', 'Local News', or 'Traffic Alerts'.

Sometimes, a Listing may pertain to something so insignificant that looking for an Oi pertaining to a certain category of things makes more sense. Keep in mind that those who placed Listings were following the same logic – which makes it easy for you to find Listings. For example, if you are looking to buy or sell screws, bolts, nuts, etc., look for Oi 'Hardware'.

Once you found an Oi, click on 'Listings' button to view related Listings. You can filter Listings based on words in listing title, Listing Intents, and Listing Characteristics to precisely find what you are looking for.

Accurately indicate the Intent of the Listings you are looking for. For example, if you are looking to buy something, you need to look for listings with Intent 'For Sale'. If you are looking for a job, you need to look for Listings with Intent 'Wanted'. If you want to hire, you need to look for listings with Intent 'Offering'. If you are looking for a wedding announcement, you need to look for listings with Intent 'Inform'. If you are looking for public alerts, you need to look for listings with Intent 'Public Alert'.

Don't hesitate to look for Listings just because you suspect there won't be any. Every time you look for a Listing and don't find one, the application makes a note of it. As a matter of fact, any time a user is looking for Listings, the application records what a user was looking for, what search Audience was used, and what was the outcome. Of course, your identifying information is kept confidential. Later on, a business user can research what Listings other Users are looking for. This allows any business, or any User, to get a sense of what people are looking for, gauge the demand, and react quickly by providing useful products and services as soon as possible.
How to maximize the chances of your Listing to be seen by others?
Think like a person who will be looking for your Listing. Associate your Listing with those Oi's another person is likely to view in order to find your Listing. Also, make sure to select Oi's with an appropriate Audience suitable for your Listing. If you are selling goods, offer a delivery of your product within hours of purchase.

For example, Oi 'Sunset' does not seem like an Oi suitable for product/service Listings. However, some businesses can take advantage of it by offering their services. For instance, a Listing offering for sale a high end camera suitable for taking pictures of sunsets; a Listing offering for sale light sunglasses suitable for watching a sunset; a Listing offering for sale a light sweater – small enough to fit in a purse, while giving that bit of extra warmth when the Sun goes down.

In another example, if you are selling a convenient water bottle which can be attached to the arm and already filled with spring water, think of what interest can potentially lead to the need for such water bottle, and place your Listing with respective Oi's reflecting such interests. For example, the following Oi's may be suitable for such listing: 'Spring Water', 'Beach', 'Health Walk', 'Marathon', 'Hiking', 'Biking', and 'Working Out'.
What are Preferred Choice Listings?
When a User views an Oi and clicks on 'Listings' button, the application displays related Listings. Preferred Choice Listings are shown first. Fees for such Listings are noticeably higher.
Why would someone utilize a Private Oi?
Complete control of a Private Oi has significant appeal for some people and companies.

For example, a company wants to promote and sell its products. An organization wants to promote its activities. A person wants to promote his or her hobby. Someone wants to have a private blogging space. A club wants to have its private space to promote club's activities.
How much does it cost to maintain a private Oi?
There is a fee to create a Private Oi which depends on the size of the Oi Audience. There is no fee for a small Audience. The fee grows incrementally as the size of the Audience increases.

There is a monthly fee to maintain a Private Oi which depends on the size of the Oi Audience, the amount of the Oi content (excluding Listings), and the bandwidth usage. There is no fee for Private Oi's which have small Audience, limited content, and a light bandwidth usage. The fee grows incrementally as Audience, content, and the bandwidth usage increase.
What is the difference between Oi's and Websites?
Creation of the Internet was an enormous achievement enabling people to create and share information as well as to conduct commerce online. However, over time it became obvious that simplistic notion of websites creates an obstacle to creating and sharing information, and to effectively conducting commerce.

Let's say you want to create a website. First, for an average person it's not easy, it is a pretty involved process which will take some time, and will cost you more than pennies.

Second, the website name you want to use is likely taken, so your only choice is to come up with some strange and/or long website name, which makes it even harder for anyone to be able to find your website.

Third, no one knows about your website, and has no way of finding out about its existence and usefulness, which leads you to the struggle on how to promote your website. A popular path is to utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This boils down to a simple quest: how to put your website at the beginning of the search results. But since most everyone is doing that, the effectiveness of SEO is very incremental. Alternatively or additionally, you would have to conduct a marketing campaign requiring time, effort, and funds - while bearing the risk of not achieving your marketing goals.

Fourth, the presentation and the functionality of your website is your responsibility. This could be a good thing giving you the freedom to make your website as useful and appealing as possible. But this also leads to a significant burden and expense, even if you don't need such flexibility.

With Oi's, everything is simple, effective, and makes sense. First, you can create a Public Oi which is always free, and become such Oi Administrator. Such Oi will function right away and can be found by others shortly thereafter. You can alternatively create a Private Oi if that better suits your needs, which will cost you nothing or pennies.

Second, you don't have to struggle with Oi Name. Pick the name which exactly reflects what you are trying to promote. Unlike website names, you can use spaces between words in your Oi Name in order to make such name readable and meaningful. If a Public Oi with the same name and similar Audience exists, you can challenge another Oi Administrator to give up a part of the other Oi Audience. If a Private Oi with the same name exists, you can negotiate and purchase a part of that Oi Audience, or even the entire Private Oi.

Third, you are guaranteed that your Oi will be found because your Oi Name reflects exactly what it is, and because your Oi Audience represents the people who may be looking for it.

Fourth, Oi components and their functionality offer so much that you will be able to accomplish many things without incurring any burden and expense similar to a website building. It is true that Oi functionality is not truly universal as a website would allow. However, as Oithis application evolves, more components and broader functionality will be implemented – effectively benefiting all Oi's and all Users.

Fifth, every Oi offers readily available commercial functionality in the form of Listings. Notion of Listings is so broad that it allows to promote most any human activity, not just the commercial aspect. Every Oi contains such important components as Forum, other related Oi's, Users, and a unique collection of content consisting of other websites, pictures, videos, etc.

Sixth, every User of this application quickly learns what is Oi and its components. As a result, every User knows exactly how to navigate any Oi they encounter. When it comes to websites, every one of them has its unique layout, interface and features. While such diversity may be perceived as being advantageous, this often presents a challenge in navigating a website and finding useful information.
What are Characteristics?
Every Oi, a Listing, or a User may be assigned Characteristics which describe certain qualities in a formal and searchable way. There are two great things about Characteristics.

On the one hand, an Oi Administrator/Owner, a Listing owner, or a User are free to respectfully assign any characteristics they feel are useful and beneficial. On the other hand, whenever multiple Oi's, Listings, or Users are shown, the viewer is able to learn what are their Characteristics if any, and is able to filter the items based on those characteristics.

When assigning Characteristics, you are encouraged to use existing Characteristics, possibly expand existing Characteristics, or create new ones when the existing characteristics are not satisfactory.

For example, when placing a Listing to sell a dress, the following characteristics may be assigned: Price - $45, Fabric Color – Red, Dress Size – Small, Fabric Material – Cotton, Designer – Ann Taylor, Open Shoulders – Yes, Tight Fit – No, etc. A Listing with a wedding announcement may have the following characteristics: Bride's Name, Groom's Name. A listing looking for a babysitter, may have the following characteristics: Hourly Pay - $12, Work Hours – 9-6, Required Gender – Female, Required Age – 25-40.

If a User wants to be found by others, such user may indicate his or her Characteristics. For example, Tall – Yes, Love Dogs – Yes, Love Cats – No, Body Build – Average, Love to Ski – Yes, Love to Dine Out – Yes, etc.

As you can see, Characteristics present a very broad notion.
Does Oithis control information about Oi's, Listings, and Users?
No, Oithis does not control such information. Public Oi Administrators control Public Oi's. Private Oi Owners control Private Oi's. Listings are controlled by their submitters. All Users contribute to Reviews, participate in Forums, etc.

Oithis only maintains and supports the application. The company may interfere in extreme cases, or if required by law.
How the new functionality of Oithis application gets decided?
Future enhancements of Oithis application are decided by the Users of Oithis application, and not by Oithis team. Unlike other companies which poll public opinion, conduct surveys, accumulate customer feedback and then make decisions on future enhancements, Oithis goes a step further. The application naturally offers to its Users the infrastructure to collaborate on any topic. This includes Oithis application enhancements and functionality.

For instance, Users of Oithis application are free to create Public Oi 'Oithis Functionality', or 'Oithis Enhancements'. The Users are free to discuss what they want from this application, vote on it, and produce the functional specifications for future enhancements. During this process, Oithis team will provide its feedback as to the viability of the proposed enhancements being discussed. As part of the company's policy, Oithis will have no choice, but to comply with the changes requested by the User community. The only exception to compliance would be unforeseen technical challenges, or other factors beyond the company's control.

Frankly, the company has no other interest except keeping the application running and improving its functionality in order to better benefit the user community. The company's revenue model is clear and fair. As a result, Oithis has no motivation to exploit its Users for any additional sources of revenue.
How is people's privacy protected?
Root causes leading to violations of User privacy can be attributed to: a) collecting personal information, and b) having the motivation to sell personal information to third parties. Many existing companies engage in questionable handling of their users' personal information - phone companies, banks, and credit card companies to name a few, as well as various online services. They treat people's personal information as just another commodity for sale, and use it as an additional source of revenue.

Oithis follows a simple principle - personal user information is neither collected, nor used by the application because Oithis application does not need such information in order to function properly. Oithis has no motivation to sell its users' personal information because Oithis revenue model relies on commercial aspect of the application, which is organically incorporated in the overall functionality.

Any User of this application is free to pick a screen name of their choice – a made up name, or a real name. Users are free to describe themselves through the use of characteristics, or not to do so.

Oithis application was founded on respect for its users' privacy. Users of Oithis application are in full control of their personal information.
How social networking is taken to a new level?
A desire to interact with other people is part of human nature. Most rewarding relationships are discovered among people whom we meet while pursuing our daily activities, our interests, and hobbies. In that respect, Oithis application closely mimics such real life experiences.

Every Oi and every Listing has an associated Forum where Users can interact, and discover each other. Note that people participating in such Forums already focus on the same interest, and belong to the same demographic Audience. Noticing and communicating with like minded people happens naturally – like in real life.

Many Users want to make their interests public. They can do so by associating themselves with certain Oi's. When viewing any Oi, a list of such related Users is readily available – it is one of the Oi components. Viewing a User's profile ('About' section) as well as following such User's activity in the Forums gives the viewer a pretty good idea about a person. If interested, the viewer may contact such User by replying to his or her posts or directly, which may start a fulfilling interaction.

Every User in the system is described by the same components as Oi. Every User is free to take advantage of such functionality – provide details on the 'Main Page', interact with others in 'Forum' section, promote User's activity in 'Listings' section, and so on. All of that creates a fluid and natural atmosphere which promotes an engaging and fulfilling interaction.
What specific commercial activities are supported by the application?
Oithis application supports most business-to-consumer as well as consumer-to-consumer commercial activities. Business-to-Business activities can be conducted more efficiently. For a seller, it is as simple as finding Oi's representing the seller's target audiences and associating the Listings with these Oi's. For a buyer it is as simple as finding an Oi of interest, clicking/tapping on 'Listings' button, and filtering the Listings based on keywords and other criteria. Let's consider a few examples.

An Italian restaurant wants to promote its business. The owner finds relevant Oi's such as 'Restaurants', 'Italian Cooking', 'Italian Cuisine', and 'Dining Out' – for the local geographic area, and places a Listing, or a few Listings promoting the restaurant, offering special deals, etc. A User who wants to dine in an Italian restaurant can easily find Oi 'Restaurants' or Oi 'Italian Cuisine', and look up the Listings. Another User who is interested in Italian cooking finds Oi 'Italian Cooking' in order to learn recipes and techniques. The moment such User thought about going to an Italian restaurant, he or she clicks on 'Listings' button, and is able to find the Listing placed by the owner of the Italian restaurant. Such User didn't even have to find another Oi seemingly more related to restaurants. That is because the owner of an Italian restaurant already thought ahead, and figured out that someone who is interested in Italian Cooking might want to find an Italian Restaurant!

A contractor provides Heating and Air Conditioning services. He finds Oi's 'Heating and Air Conditioning', 'HVAC Services', and 'Heating' – for the local geographic area, and places a Listing, or a few Listings promoting his services, offering summer specials, and other deals. Users looking for such service, can easily find any of those Oi's based on obvious keywords, and view related Listings.

A local car dealership can place individual Listings for every car they want to sell, associating their Listings with such local Oi's as 'Cars', 'New Cars', 'Used Cars', etc. They can use various Characteristics to describe every car's price, year, make, model, color, engine, and any other details. They can also include related pictures and videos. A User looking to buy a car can easily find any of these Oi's, click on 'Listings' button, and then filter the Listings based on any additional criteria.

A real estate agent, or a person who wants to sell a house can place a respective Listing and associate it with such local Oi's as 'Real Estate', 'Houses for Sale', etc. The seller can use various Characteristics to describe the house to a fine level of detail such as asking price, square footage, number of floors, construction type, number of rooms, number of baths, etc. The seller can also include pictures and videos showing the house. A User who is looking for a house can easily find any of these Oi's, click on 'Listings' button, and then filter the Listings by a variety of criteria in order to find the desired house.

It is important to point out that Listings with sales, offers, deals, and promotions can be placed on a minute's notice making it easy for sellers to pursue their marketing strategy in real time. On the other hand, buyers don't have to struggle in order to find needed products and services. The respective Listings are associated with most every Oi a user may think of, which in turn makes the entire process quick, easy, and intuitive.

Business Users utilizing Oithis application accumulate reviews from other people who already used their services. As a result, any User who is considering the service is able to view such reviews and is able to pick the best business. In turn, every business strives to get good reviews. As a result, the businesses do their best in order to make their customers happy. It's a win-win situation! Both quality of service and customer satisfaction go up.

Additionally to placing Listings with Public Oi's, any business is free to create a Private Oi promoting their service to their local community. A Private Oi would allow a business to provide better level of detail regarding the products and services, promote customer interaction and responsiveness – ultimately leading to a greater customer satisfaction, which in turn would bring even more customers.
How to place and search for Classified Ads
A classified ad is simply a Listing associated with a respective Oi of interest, while having a certain Intent clarifying the purpose of the Listing. Consider a few examples.

A person who is looking for a babysitter, places a Listing with Intent 'Wanted', and associates the Listing with local Public Oi's 'Babysitting' and 'Child Care'. A potential babysitter can easily find any of these Oi's, click on 'Listings' button, filter the Listings based on Intent 'Wanted', and view all Listings requiring babysitting services.

A person or an agency who is offering a babysitting services, places a Listing with Intent 'Offering' and associates the Listing with local Public Oi's 'Babysitting' and 'Child Care'. A family looking for a babysitter can easily find any of these Oi's, click on 'Listings' button, filter the Listings based on Intent 'Offering', and view all Listings offering babysitting services.

A person who wants to sell a used car is placing a listing with Intent 'For Sale', and associates the Listing with local Public Oi's 'Cars', 'Used Cars', 'Car Finder', 'Cars for Sale', and 'Automobiles'. A person who is looking for a used car can easily find any of these Oi's, click on 'Listings' button, and filter the Listings based on Intent 'For Sale', specific price range, make, model, and other filtering criteria.
How to create a blog
Creating a blog is as simple as creating a Private Oi. Choose 'New Oi' option. Choose Oi type, Oi Name which reflects your topic, and indicate Oi Audience to satisfy your target audience. Allow everyone to view your Oi, but allow others to only reply to the Posts in the Oi Forum, and only in text. At this point, you are done. Others will be able to view anything you post in the Forum. However, other Users will only be able to reply to your posts, but won't be able to create their own posts. Additionally, other Users will be able to reply with text only, but won't be able to post picture or videos. In short, other users will only be able to provide comments regarding your articles.

What's great about this newly created blog spot is that anyone can easily find your Private Oi by keywords in the name and by Audience. It may take you just a few minutes to create your blogging spot, and it is available for viewing to anyone almost right away!

Note that if a Private Oi with the same name and similar Audience already exists, you have to change the Audience, change the name, or purchase a part of the Audience from another Private Oi owner.
How fair are Listing fees?
In traditional advertising model, viewers are forced to view ads which are mixed with useful content every time such content is shown. This is the reason the fees for ads are high, despite the fact that less than 1% of viewers act upon such ads. This means that at least 99% of the time such ads waste the viewable space on the screen, computer and network resources, viewers attention, as well as valuable time.

Oithis application does not force its users to view ads. On the one hand, the application makes it possible to place Listings for the desired target audiences. On the other hand, every User can easily find relevant Listings with the speed of thought, and in a very precise way. This approach effectively cuts down the 99% waste inherent to forced advertising model. As a result, Listing fees are very small compared to typical ads. A Listing fee depends on the popularity of an Oi, and the duration of a Listing. Multiple discounts may be applied. For instance, the volume discount is applied when a user frequently places Listings. The duration discount is applied when a Listing duration is longer.

Preferred Choice ListingsTM are shown first. Because there is limited space to show Preferred Choice Listings, fees for such Listings are noticeably higher. Fees for Preferred Choice Listings are driven by supply/demand model.
Close Maximize
Lock-n-HideTM parental control allows parent to lock child's audience of interest, and hide it from the view, so that child is not able to find any content which is not suitable for children. This feature only works when the selected age range is 17 or below.

In order to lock search audience, click/tap on the orange bar above three times as follows: right, middle, left.

Do the same when you want to unlock audience of interest.
Lock-n-HideTM parental control allows parent to lock child's audience of interest, and hide it from the view, so that child is not able to find any content not suitable for children.

This feature only works when the selected age range is 17 or below. Adjust age accordingly if you want to use this feature.
Close Hide

What is Audience?

Audience of interest allows you to narrow down your interest in Oi's, Listings, and other People by demographics such as geographic area, sex/gender, age range, and languages.

A searchable Oi or a searchable Listing have their respective intended audiences.

A searchable person has his/her respective audience a person belongs to.

We only show you Oi's, listings, and people whose audiences have something in common with your Audience of Interest.

Audience size represents a part of the population matching audience parameters.

Locking child audience allows to protect children from inappropriate content. Use Lock-n-Hide button below to activate this feature.

Notion of audience allows to present the same object of interest differently, or find like minded people. For example, "How cars work" can be presented differently to children and to adults. "Gardening" can be presented differently based on where people live. "Vitamins and supplements" can be presented differently to men and to women. "Health walk" can be organized depending on age, geographic area, and even for a specific language group.

You can easily change your Audience of Interest to match audience of any Oi, listing, or person.

When looking for Oi's or listings, you may indicate narrow Audience of Interest. Oi's and listings generally have as wide intended audiences as necessary, which assures a match by audience. However, when looking for people, you may indicate as wide Audience of Interest as you truly want it to be because person's audience may be reasonably narrow. Such approach assures consistent, predictable, and useful results.

While you are logged-in, you can 'Name & Save' any combination of audience parameters, and easily recall them later on by their names. For example, you can use such names as 'Home', 'Work', 'Kids', or 'Business Trip'.

Hint: You may enter age range directly, or adjust current age range by using +/- controls. Each time you click/tap on such control, the respective age number changes by a few years. However, if you reverse the direction within a few seconds, the respective age number changes by one year only. This allows you to quickly enter any age with just a few clicks/taps, and without any typing. To restore age adjustment back to a few years, simply wait for a few seconds.

Entering Geographic Areas

Currently, you may enter geographic areas for the United States only.

Start typing name of a city, a county, a state, or a ZIP (postal code). Pause for a moment to see matching geographic areas, then pick one.

You can also use less formal names such as 'Long Island', 'East Coast', 'West Coast', or 'United States'. Such names as well as state names will be shown in capital letters.

Enable use of location for better matching of geographic areas as you type. Click/tap on location icon to do so.

You don't have to fully spell city or county names if you want to enter a two-letter state code at the end. For example, entering 'Long NY' would match 'Long Beach, NY', 'Long Island City, NY', and 'Long Lake, NY'. Such method is useful when too many geographic areas match your input.

When you select geographic area such as a city or a zip code, you may increase such area by selecting 'within certain distance' from the menu.

If you want to define an area smaller than a ZIP code, consider utilizing Zippie. An option to select Zippie will be available in the menu once you define any geographic area consisting of a single ZIP code. This could be an individual zip code, a city, or in rare instances even a county.

Within certain distance

When you indicate 'within certain distance', your selected geographic area can be expanded.

The new area represents a circle with a radius of your choice. The center of such circle coincides with the geometric center of your selected geographic area.

Radius selection example

In order to expand geographic area, make sure to pick a radius which is large enough to include your selected geographic area and beyond.

If you want to define an area smaller than a ZIP code, consider utilizing ZippieTM - a new patented approach. An option to select Zippie will be available in the menu once you define geographic area consisting of a single ZIP code.

What is Zippie?

Think of a ZIP as an oddly shaped PIE,
Often too big to simply get by.
Let's cut it in pieces to make them more grippy,
And name every piece to be simply a ZIPPIE.

In short, ZIP + PIE = ZIPPIE (pronounced 'zippi')

Imagine a huge elastic blanket shaped like a phone keypad.

Imagine a phone keypad with numbers 1-9

Stretch it over an area consisting of a single ZIP code as shown in the example below, and now you divided the area into 9 oddly shaped pieces. Such individual piece is called Zippie.

Zip code area devided into 9 pieces

While not being precise, the notion of Zippie allows you to select partial area described by a single ZIP code in many ways. For example, selecting zippies 7-8-9 allows you to select Southern part of such area, while selecting zippies 1-2-3 allows you to select Northern part of it.

Selecting zippies 3-6-7-8-9 allows you to select South-Eastern part of such area. And so on, and so forth.

Click/tap on individual zippies in order to select or unselect them. By doing so, you are able to shape your partial area selection in hundreds of different ways.

Audience icon
My Audiences
New Audience
Geographic area
Geographic Area
Zippie  Help Remove
Help Remove
Age icon
Language icon
Sex (Gender)
Who feel
Register Log in Reset password Change password Change screen name Change email Verify your credentials Complete Registration Approve Registration Help
Got it
Please log in first.
We just sent you an email which explains how to complete this registration. One way to do so is to enter the registration code from the email.
Make sure to check your email spam folder, and add domain to your safe senders list.
Once you complete your registration, it has to be approved by an authorized person. Only then you will be able to log in. The review process may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days.
We just sent you an email which explains how to complete your new email registration. One way to do so is to enter the registration code from the confirmation email we sent you.
Make sure to check your email spam folder, and add domain to your safe senders list.
Registration closed.
Unsolicited registrations are not allowed. Only registered person may register someone else.
Registration is not allowed. Here is why. A certain maximum number of registered users cannot be exceeded. Also, a certain maximum number of objects such as Oi's, Listings, and People cannot be exceeded. One of these limits has been reached. As a result, we do not allow new registration requests.
You have successfully registered, and may now log in.
You may now log in with your new password.
Please log in with your temporary password.
You have successfully changed your email. You may now use your new email whenever you need to log in or authenticate your identity. Your login password hasn't changed.
Your existing password has expired. Please choose a new password.
Your current password is no longer valid. Please choose a new password.

No one is billed for the use of Oithis application at this time. Applicable credits and fees are displayed throughout the application. However, applying fees has not been implemented yet.

Register, so that you are able to log in, and use all features of Oithis application.

Promotional credit in the amount of AV$NEW_REGISTERED_USER_CREDIT_AMOUNT is issued to newly registered users.

There is a one time fee of AV$USER_REGISTRATION_FEE to register, and a monthly maintenance fee of AV$REGISTERED_USER_MONTHLY_FEE per month.

Personal space usage monthly fee depends on the actual space occupied by 'All about me' content. The fee is AV$OBJECT_SPACE_USAGE_MONTHLY_FEE per MB for space used on average during a month.

Personal bandwidth usage monthly fee depends on the actual bandwidth used while 'All about me' content is viewed by you and others. The fee is AV$OBJECT_BANDWIDTH_USAGE_MONTHLY_FEE per MB for bandwidth used during a month.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Register' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
Here, you can complete your initial registration, or your new email registration.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Complete registration' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
A pending registration request can be approved or denied.

Click/tap on 'Find' button in order to find next pending registration request. If you provide a screen name or an exact email address, then corresponding registration will be retrieved. Note that expired or not completed registration requests are never discovered.

Once you review the registration and make your decision, click/tap on either 'Approve', or 'Deny' button. If denying registration request, please provide a reason in Reviewer Comments. The applicant will be able to view your explanation.

Click/tap on 'Clear' button once you are finished with a specific registration, or if you want to skip the review altogether.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
Log in so that you are able utilize all features of Oithis.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Log in' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
Reset your password if you forgot it, or if you suspect that someone else learned your password.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Email me temporary password' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
You are changing your password.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Save my new password' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
Change your screen name as you wish.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Save my new screen name' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
You are changing your login email to a new one. Enter your new email and your current password. Your new email will only take effect after you activate it. Do not reset or change your password until then.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Register my new email' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
We need to verify your credentials.

Please provide information in the fields below so that it passes all checks. Then click/tap on 'Confirm my credentials' button.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.
Register Log in Authenticate Reset password Change password Change screen name Change email Complete registration
ExpandExpandWhy can't I use my Google, Facebook, or Twitter login?
Such login method exposes your personal information. This would violate Oithis privacy policy to never collect, or use your personal information.
Screen name Help
Bad Should start with a letter or a number.
Bad Screen name is too short.
Bad No excessive use/repetition of spaces and other characters.
Bad No profanity, obscene, derogatory, or insulting words. Please!
Pick your screen name. Others will see it whenever you create Oi or listing, whenever you write, post, vote or do something. You can use your real name, a nickname, or a made up name - anything you want.

If you are concerned about your privacy, consider not using your real name.

You will be able to change your screen name at any time.
Change your screen name to what you want. Others will see your screen name whenever you write, post, vote or do something. You can use your real name, a nickname, or a made up name - anything you want.

If you are concerned about your privacy, consider not using your real name.

You will be able to change your screen name at any time.
Pending registration can be found by screen name, which could be fully or partially spelled.
Bad Should be a valid email address.
Bad Email already registered.
Enter your existing email address which works, and which you have access to.
Enter your current email which you provided during registration.

Enter your new email if you are completing your new email registration.
Pending registration can be found by exact email address.
Enter email which you provided when you registered.
Enter email you registered with. We will send you a temporary password good for one login.

Once you log in with your temporary password, you will be asked to pick a new one.
Enter your email.
Enter your email.
Enter your new email, which is working and which you have access to. We will send activation instructions to your new email address.
Enter your email.
Pause authentication Help
Enable pause authentication while entering password
Check this box if you want us to notice when you pause during password entry.

This patented authentication feature greatly increases your login security. Of course, you have to pause in the same place(s) when you create password and when you use it.

Here is how it works. If you pause for a moment while entering a password, we will indicate such pause with a short blink of the input field and an additional character. Resume password entry after the blinking stops.

If an unexpected pause occurs, use backspace once in order to remove it. Then, continue entering your password.

Keep in mind that pause is always present at the end. Therefore, wait for the blinking to stop before you click/tap on the action button.
You may use pause authentication while entering your current password and not use it for a new one, and vice versa.

Simply check or uncheck this box accordingly prior to entering a specific password.
Bad OK Should be at least 8 characters long, or 6 characters long with at least one pause.
Enter password to verify your identity.

If Pause Authentication is checked and you pause for a moment while entering your password, we will indicate such pause with a short blink of the input field and an additional character. Resume password entry after the blinking stops.

If an unexpected pause occurs, use backspace once to remove it, and then continue entering your password. There is always a pause at the end of password entry, which is normal.

If you find it difficult to pause at the right time while entering your password, then uncheck Pause Authentication, and re-type your password while using a period instead of a pause. For example, the following password has one pause in the middle and one at the end:


Don't forget to end your password entry with a period.
Bad OK Should have at least one letter and one number.
Bad OK Should be at least 8 characters long, or 6 characters long with at least one pause.
Bad OK Should not be your screen name or contain one.
Bad OK Should not be one of commonly used passwords.
Create a new password which you can rememeber, or save it in a secure place. Passwords are case sensitive.

If Pause Authentication is checked and you pause for a moment while entering your password, we will indicate such pause with a short blink of the input field, and an additional character. Resume password entry after the blinking stops.

If an unexpected pause occurs, use backspace once to remove it, and then continue entering your password.

There is always pause at the end of password entry, which is normal.
Bad OK Should be the same as your newly created password.
Repeat your new password again to make sure it was entered correctly.

If Pause Authentication is checked, don't forget to pause in the same place(s).
Public computer Help
This computer/device is public
If you check this box, we will completely remove your session information after you log out. Specifically, we will forget your audiences on this computer/device until your next login. If you don't check the box, your search audience will be accessible after you log out. Regardless of your selection, no other account information will be accessible without a successful login first.
Registration code Help
Bad Should be at least 10 characters long.
Copy/paste the registration code from the email we sent you. Then, click/tap on 'Complete registration' button.
Searching for pending registrations by registration code alone is not allowed.

However, you may view the registration code once pending registration is retrieved, or whenever it is automatically populated. Registration code is unique for every registration request, and is never repeated. This may help you troubleshoot registration related issues.
Why joining? Help
A sentence or a few which briefly explain why joining. If there are specific requirements which are requested by oithis owner, then respective details have to be provided here.

This explanation helps a reviewer to decide whether to approve or deny the registration request.
This applicant's explanation helps you decide whether to approve or deny the registration request.
Reviewer comments Help
A sentence or a few which briefly explain why registration request was denied. This may also include specific requirements which would allow someone to re-apply.

Optional approval and welcome comments if registration is approved.

Applicant will be able to veiw your comments.
Complete registration
Log in
Email me temporary password
Save my new password
Save my new screen name
Register my new email
Confirm my credentials
View Fees
OK Failed
Fun with Make Text
Your secret belongs to you. We do not record it.
Make 3D Text
Share Share Email Email How to How Adjust Adjust Save Save Make Make
Email Send email
Please enter emails of your recipients, make changes if desired, then press Send button.
Send button is enabled after you provide valid emails for your recipients and/or make changes. You also have to be logged in.
Adjust Adjust for optimal viewing
Font size:
Reduce Sample Text Increase
Reduce X X Increase
Greater Interval between X and X makes 3D Text
to appear deeper inside the screen.
1.5" - 2.0" apart is optimal.
Reduce S a m p l e Increase
Apply changes to 3D Text
How How to view

Get your eyes very close to 3D Text. Then, move away very slowly. At some point, you will see a flat background consisting of random characters. It will appear deep inside your screen. However, the hidden message will appear closer to you. If this doesn't work, continue with instructions below.

Find two 'X' symbols at the top of 3D text. They are your guide to successfully achieving 3D effect.

Look between the two 'X' symbols, and don't move your eyes away. Simply relax your eyes as if you are looking through the screen at a remote object. One way to achieve this would be to unfocus your eyes by pretending that you are looking in the mirror and trying to see your reflection. As a matter of fact, if you position yourself in a dark area while facing bright light, you are likely to see your reflection in the screen.

Notice that each 'X' symbol turned into two 'X' symbols, so you observe total of four of them. We are only interested in the two 'X' symbols which are in the middle.

Gently adjust focus of your eyes so that the two 'X' symbols in the middle merge and become one combined 'X' symbol. You end up looking straight at the combined 'X' symbol, while having two blurry 'X' symbols, one on each side, as illustrated below.


Keep staring at the combined 'X' symbol in the middle. Just relax and keep staring. All the magic comes by itself. And when it does, start moving your eyes very slowly around the seemingly random characters.

Most characters form a flat surface which appears to be deep inside the screen. However, the hidden message appears closer to you. The biggest secret to 3D effect is to stop trying to see it. Just give it a blank stare.

Did you know?
  • Did you know that observing 3D images may have therapeutic effect? Doing so for a few seconds to a few minutes may reduce eye fatigue, improve vision, and relax your body. Adjust font size and interval for most comfortable viewing.
  • Did you know that every instance of 3D Text is unique, and is never repeated even for the same secret message?
  • Did you know that you could copy/paste 3D Text into Notepad or similar application with fixed size font like Courier New, and still observe the 3D effect?
  • Did you know that you could keep your passwords and other sensitive information hidden in 3D text? While not being truly secure, it is safer than using plain text.
These are characteristics describing item above.
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Characteristic definition

Characteristic ID is represented by three numbers connected with a dash. For example, 1175-1-7. For a new characteristic definition which hasn't been saved, these numbers may all be zeros. For example, 0-0-0.

The first number is unique characteristic Id. Every characteristic is uniquely identified by it.

The second number represents change group. It starts from 1, and gets incremented every time a set of changes is introduced to a characteristic defintion.

The third number is version within the change group, and is incremented for every action affecting characteristic definition.

For example, someone creates a new characteristic definition. The very first time it is saved, it is assigned a unique characteristic Id, group 1 and version 1. As changes are made by the same person, the change group stays the same. However, version number gets incremented as 2, 3, etc. Once characteristic definition is approved, its version number may reach 5 or even 10.

If someone else decides to make changes to an already approved characteristic definition, the change group is incremented to 2, and then every change by the same person produces a new version within a group as 1, 2, 3, etc. If changes are approved, the new change group number will be 2, and the new version may reach 5 or even 10.

When applying characteristic, the application always utilizes the most recent approved characteristic definition. You may be presented with characteristic definition whose version is not the latest. This is normal, and may occur if a new set of changes hasn't been approved.

Status of characteristic defintion can be Enabled or Disabled. Most of the time, you will observe Enabled status. A Disabled characteristic defintion is rare, and ordinarily not visible.

Characteristic defintion may be in one of the following states.

New changes - new characteristic definition is being worked on, or new changes are being made to an existing chracteristic definition. Such characteristic definition is only visible to a person who is making changes, and to those who manage characteristics, but not to other people.

More changes - characteristic definition is being worked on after a reviewer requested more changes, which are needed in order to satisfy the approval process. It is also possible that a person who submitted characteristic definition for review, later decided to make more changes. Such characteristic definition is only visible to a person who is making changes, and to those who manage characteristics, but not to other people.

Pending review - changes are complete, and ready to be reviewed by an authorized person. Such characteristic definition is only visible to a person who is making changes, and to those who manage characteristics, but not to other people.

In review - characteristic defintion is being reviewed. Such characteristic definition is only visible to a person who is making changes, and to those who manage characteristics, but not to other people.

Approved - characteristic definition has been approved, and is available for use to anyone.

Disapproved - characteristic definition has been disapproved, and is not avialable for use.

Suspended - characteristic defintion has been suspended. Usually, for a good reason. Ordinarily, such characteristic definition is not visible.

Removed - characteristic definition has been removed. It could've been a duplicate, no longer valid, or in violation of Oithis policy. Ordinarily, such characteristic definition is not visible.

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Show Find characteristics Help
Characteristics allow to describe certain qualities of Oi's, Listings, and People in a formal and searchable way.

Note that creating characteristics has been implemented, however, applying characteristics to Oi's, listings, and people has not been implemented yet.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.

You can find characteristics using a few different criteria. Then, expand them in order to view characteristic details. Note that no more than first AV$CHAR_DEF_RETRIEVAL_LIMIT_FOR_USER matches will be displayed.

You are able to filter characteristics:
  • By words in their names.
  • By their suitability for Oi's, Listings, or People.
  • Whether it was you who created or modified them.
  • By their status and state if you are authorized to manage characteristics.
Displayed characteristics can be ordered in a few different ways.

You can modify an existing characteristic, or even create a new one if you feel it would be useful to you and others.
Suitable for Help
Oi Listing Person
Characteristics can be applied to Oi's, Listings, or People.

You have to indicate which characteristics you are looking for.
Created/modified by me
Select this optional criteria if you want to find characteristics which were created or modified by you. You have to be logged in to use this option. Here are some fine points.

It is likely that you want to view most recently created/modified characteristics first. That's why we automatically select 'Recent' order criteria for you (see below). You are free to change it.

It is likely that you may not remember the names of characteristics. Therefore, we automatically select 'Any' name criteria for you (see below). You are free to use a specific name.

We automatically elect to show you characteristics in any of the following states: New changes, More changes, Pending review, In review, Approved, or Disapproved. You are only able to view or modify this criteria if you are allowed to manage characteristics.
This section is only visible to people who are allowed to manage characteristics.
Status Help
Enabled Disabled BOTH
We recommend to always select 'Enabled' status.

Disabled characteristics are rare, and are meant to be invisible to others.
Characteristic state Help
New More Pending Review Approved
Disapproved Suspended Removed
Characteristics may be in one of the following states. You can select any combination.

New changes - new characteristic definition is being worked on, or new changes are being made to an existing chracteristic definition.

More changes - additional changes are being made.

Pending review - changes are complete, and ready to be reviewed by an authorized person.

In review - characteristic definition is being reviewed by an authorized person.

Approved - characteristic definition has been approved.

Disapproved - characteristic definition has been disapproved.

Suspended - characteristic defintion has been suspended.

Removed - characteristic definition has been removed.
Values Help
Considered for enhancement
NOTE: This feature hasn't been implemented yet.

Select this criteria in order to view characteristics whose values can be enhanced based on user input.

This only applies to characteristics whose values come from characteristic definition only. Ordinarily, a user would pick a predetermined value when applying such characteristic. However, on occasion, a user may supply a new value.

You have a chance to review user supplied values. Then, decide whether it would be beneficial to add such values to its respective characteristic definition on a permanent basis.
Display order Help
Natural A-Z Recent Changes
You can order matching characteristics in a few different ways.

Natural - lists characteristics in the order they were created or modified.

A-Z - characteristics are ordered aphabetically by their full names.

Recent - most recently created or modified characteristics are shown first.

Hint: only first few characteristics are shown if there are too many to display. If this is the case, some characteristics may be shown only for a particular order, and be absent if a different order is selected.
Search words Help
Enter complete or partial words in order to see matching characteristics. Use 'Any' button on the right to show characteristics regardless of their names.

We only show approved characteristics unless 'Created/modified by me' is indicated. A person who is allowed to manage characteristics can look for any characteristics.

You may also enter characateristic ID, optionally followed by group and version, using space or dash as a separator. For example:
  • 1250
  • 1250-5
  • 1250 5 1
Group and version may be wildcarded. For example:
  • 1250 *
  • 1250 5 *
  • 1250 * *
Note that normally, groups prior to the last Approved group are not shown. However, if group is wildcarded, then all groups for the specified characteristic ID are shown.

Normally, only the last version of a group is shown. However, if version is wildcarded, then all versions for a group are shown.

When searching by characteristic ID, ' Suitable for ' and ' Characteristic state ' criteria are ignored.

To learn more about characteristic ID, find any characteristic, and view its details where ID and characteristic state are shown. Then, use help indicated by '?' next to it.
Using Characteristic
You decide how to utilize this characteristic for the item above.
Assign price
Assign quantity
Show quantity
You may assign price and/or available quantity to every characteristic value. If specified, we will automatically reduce available quantity for every sale transaction, and will stop displaying an option for the corresponding value once the available quantity reaches zero. If used, price is always shown to others. However, you may choose whether or not to show available quantity. Consider examples: a) not using price/quantity: "Size: Small, Medium, Large"; b) using price only: "Size: Small - $11.99, Medium - $12.99, Large - $13.99". c) using price/quanity and showing quantity: "Size: Small - $11.99 (25), Medium - $12.99 (40), Large - $13.99 (35)".
Price, $
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Add value
Add new value to this characteristic.
Invalid number
500 characters left
Save explanation
Please provide a brief explanation of why you are adding a new value. Ordinarily, only you may utilize it. However, we may consider to permanently add your new value, which will benefit others. Your explanation helps us to make the right decision.
Display name
Display values
You may choose whether characteristic name and/or its values are displayed along Oi name, Listing name, or a Person's name. Consider examples: a) "Price: $12.99" or "$12.99"; b) "Size: Small, Medium, Large", or "Small, Medium, Large", or "Size". Keep in mind that characteristic name and values are always displayed in Characteristics section of any Oi, Listing, or a Person.
Require others to make selection
You may require others to make a selection when 'For Sale' listings are used. This does not apply to other types of listings, Oi's, or people.
Save and Close
Changes not yet saved
Characteristic Definition
Edit View
Start review
Characteristic definition contains all parameters of this characteristic.

Click/tap on the title to show/hide all explanations.

You are able to make changes to an existing characteristic definition. You may even create a brand new characteristic if you feel there is a need for that.

If you do either of those two things, you have to submit characteristic definition for review after you are done with your changes. Then, you may use such characteristic right away, and apply it to an Oi, a Listing, or to yourself as appropriate.

You will be notified whether your changes or the new characteristic are approved, and if so, no further action on your part will be required.

If disapproved, you will be provided with an explanation why. A disapproved characteristic will not be visible to others even if it is applied to an Oi, a Listing, or a Person.

You may also receive a request asking you to make certain changes in order to receive an approval.
Help Clock
This section lists all people who contributed their time and effort to create and enhance this characteristic.

The list starts with a person who created this characteristic, and is followed in chronological order by people who modified it.

Characteristic is considered to be successfully created or enhanced if its respective changes have been approved. If this is the case, a newly created approved characteristic is indicated as 'Created by', while approved changes to an existing characteristic are indicated as 'Enhanced by'.

Otherwise, each entry reflects characteristic state.
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Full Name Help
Characteristic Full Name should be unique among other characteristics, descriptive, and to the point. It should clearly articulate characteristic purpose.

For example, "Women's pant size, US".

Keep in mind that words comprising full name are used to find suitable characteristics. Full name is never displayed along Oi's, Listings, or People. Display Name is used for that purpose.
Display Name Help
Characteristic Display Name (above) is usually very short - often, just one word. For example, 'Size'.

Characteristic Display Name is usually shown along Oi name, Listing name, or a Person's name whenever a respective characteristic is displayed.

However, commonly understood characteristic names may be hidden (see below).

For example, Display Name 'Color' may be hidden as the name of a specific color makes it obvious that a certain color is indicated. Note that a different option may be selected at the time when characteristic is used.
SHOW/HIDE Display Name
Summary Help
A phrase or two clarifying the purpose of this characteristic. The phrasing should be such that a person who has no prior knowledge about this characteristic, is able to learn, understand, and comprehend it.
About Help
A detailed explanation clarifying the purpose of this characteristic. It may include examples, exceptions, and typical uses. The level of detail should be such that a person who has no prior knowledge about this characteristic, is able to learn, understand, and comprehend it.
Can be used with: Help
Oi Listing Person
Specifies whether characteristic can be applied to an Oi, a Listing, a Person, or any combination of those.
Internal attributes Help
Adults only
SYSTEM characteristic
BASIC characteristic
PROTECTED characteristic
ADULTS ONLY characteristic
System characteristic is utilized by the application only, and is not available for general use. Only an authorized person may change this attribute.

Basic characteristic is so fundamental that it is absolutely necessary for the application to function. For example, 'Generic distance'. Only an authorized person may change this attribute.

Protected characterstic is protected against any changes. The protection must be removed in order to make changes. Only an authorized person may change this attribute.

Adults only characteristic contains or implies presentation which is suitable for adults only. For example, a sexually explicit characteristic. Naturally, such characteristic may only be used with Oi's, Listings, and People whose audience age is above 17. Anyone may change this attribute.
This characteristic: Help
Characteristic has values: Help
Some characteristics may have associated values. For example, characteristic 'T-shirt size' can be small, medium, and large.

Other characteristics require no value. For example, 'Love outdoors'.
Values come from: Help
Characteristic values may be predetermined, and therefore come from this characteristic definition. For example, characteristic 'T-shirt size' may specify predetermined values as small, medium, and large. A user of such characteristic may only select one of these values.

Characteristic values may be decided by the user who is utilizing this characteristic. Therefore, values are specified by such user at the time when characteristic is being applied. For example, characteristic 'Travel distance, miles' may require a value. However, it is specified at the time of use.

Characteristic values may come from both, characteristic defintion and the user of such characteristic. For example, characteristic definition 'Length of roll of fabric, feet' may have standard lengths like 100 ft, 200 ft, and 250 ft. However, at the time of use, a person applying such characteristic may indicate some odd length of let's say 65 ft for a leftover fabric.
Show values along item names Help
Characteristic values are usually shown along a Oi name, a Listing name, or a Person's name. However, this may not always be desirable.

For example, characteristic 'Paint colors' may have so many values that it would make no sense to list all of them.

Note that a different option may be selected at the time when characteristic is used.
Order of values is significant Help
For some characteristics, values are expressed in certain order.

For example, characteristic 'T-shirt size' may have values xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, and xx-large. Signifyng this fact allows to search for a range of values. As a result, someone will be able to find T-shirts within a size range of let's say from xx-small to medium.

Some characteristic values have no particular order. For example, characteristic 'T-short color' may have values white, gray, black, and red.
Value type Help
Integer number
Floating point number
Some characteristic values are expressed as text. For example, characteristic 'T-shirt size' may have values 'small', 'medium', and 'large'. In another example, characteristic 'Paint codes' may have values '2034-50', '585', '2035-10'.

Some characteristic values are expressed as numbers. For example, characteristic 'Men's pant size' may have values 38, 40, 42, and 44. In another example, characteristic 'Machine screw diameter, US' may have values 0.16 in, 0.19 in, and 0.21 in.
Number of decimal places Help
Characteristic values may be presented as numbers with decimal point. For example, 1.00, 1.55, 2.06, 2.51, and 3.09. You may choose how many decimal places are shown.

Example above shows 2 decimal places. If 3 decimal places are selected, the same numbers are displayed as follows: 1.000, 1.550, 2.060, 2.510, and 3.090.

If zero decimal places is selected, the numbers are displayed without the decimal point: 1, 2, 2, 3, and 3. Note that the second and the fourth numbers were rounded to 2 and 3 respectfully.
Hide decimal point if fraction is zero Help
Characteristic values may be presented as numbers with decimal point followed by decimal places. For example, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5. Ordinarily, decimal places are always shown.

Sometimes, it is desirable to hide the decimal point if the fractional value is zero. In such case, the same numbers will be displayed as follows: 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5.
Show plus sign for positive numbers Help
Some characteristic values are presented as numbers, which may be positive or negative. Ordinarily, positive numbers are shown without the plus sign. For example, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5.

Sometimes, it is desirable to show the plus sign for positive numbers. For example, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2, +2.5.
Unit of measure Help
Characteristic values may require a unit of measure. For example, $7.99, 25%, 50 miles, '5x7' in, or 32 oz.
Value prefix Help
It may be desirable to preceed characteristic value with a specific text in order to enhance presentation.

For example, characteristic 'Discount' may have a value of 25%. Ordinarily, it would be displayed as 'Discount: 25%'.

By preceeding the value with words 'reduced by', a more powerful message can be communicated: 'Discount: reduced by 25%'.
Value suffix Help
It may be desirable to append a specific text to characteristic value in order to enhance presentation.

For example, characteristic 'Discount' may have a value of 25%. Ordinarily, it would be displayed as 'Discount: 25%'.

By appending text 'OFF' to the value, a more powerful message can be communicated: 'Discount: 25% OFF'.

This option may also be used to indicate a unit of measure which otherwise is not available. For example, characteristic 'Maximum occupancy' may have suffix 'people', but no unit of measure. In such a case, a value of 150 would be displayed as 'Maximum occupancy: 150 people'.
Displaying value sample
Characteristic values
Most recent changes Help
When changes are made to an existing characteristic definition, a summary of such changes is required. This helps the approval process.
Why disapproved, suspended, or removed:
Why more changes are needed:
Optional approval comments: Help
1000 characters left
This explanation clarifies why this characteristic requires more work. Why it was disapproved, suspended, or removed.

It may also contain optional approval comments.
Actions you may take
Submit for review
You can Save your changes multiple times as you create or modify characteristic definition.

Once you are done with your changes, you have to submit them for review using Submit for review button. After that, you may start using the newly created characteristic right away.

You may Cancel your changes if you don't want to save them. If you already saved your changes, simply do not submit them for review.

If you already submitted your changes for review, but would like to make more changes, you would be able to do so as long as review process hasn't started yet.
These actions are only available to people who are allowed to manage characteristics.
Start review
Cancel Review
Start reveiw in order to evaluate new characteristic or new changes.

If you are satisfied with new characteristic or with changes, you may Approve them. Feel free to provide comments if necessary.

If you are dissatisfied with new characteristic or with changes, you may Disapprove them. In such a case, you have to provide a reason for your disapproval.

If you feel that this characteristic requires more work, you may request More changes. You have to recommend what should be done in order to receive an approval.

If you are unable to complete review, you may Cancel review, and then someone else will be able to do it. If you do not cancel review which you already started, no one else will be able to perform review of this characteristic.
These actions are only available to people who are allowed to manage characteristics.
You may Suspend already approved characteristic definition in order to prevent others from using it. You have to provide a reason for such action.

You may Remove already suspended characteristic definition. Keep in mind that once removed, there is no way to reinstate it.

You may Approve already suspended or previously disapproved characteristic defintion if appropriate.

You may Disapprove previously approved characteristic definition. You have to provide a reason for your disapproval.

You may request More changes for previously approved, disapproved or suspended characteristic. You have to recommend what should be done in order to receive an approval.
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